I have two heavy DD crews in Jax that will come down there. Skippy J may recommend some local guys. RPM Diesel would be the first Big shop that way I could recommend. Josie may have some names of some light to medium DD service kids in that area. What ever you do, Do not call PanTropic on anything.
Absolutely agree on Pantropic for anything. OK, maybe a bulldozer, as long as it's not mine. The best guy I have ever used on older 2 stroke DDs is Coastline Diesel. Dennis Walker out of Palm Beach (561) 329-3241.
Same question- different location Sorry to hijack the thread, but also looking for DD mechanic in Charleston, SC area for 8-71 VTI engines. No current issues, but only found kids in the area that keep looking for somewhere to plug in to get an error code on their computers. Had one that was confused when couldn’t find an injector pump! Help!
Lauderdale expert is Duggan Marine. He rebuilt 2 12 71's for me in the past. Both times we scaled back N145 injectors to N90 and the engines were nearly smokeless and zero soot. We did loose speed but huge savings on fuel. https://yachting-pages.com/listing/sc-duggan-marine-inc.html
I don’t know Williams Detroit’s reputation in Charleston but they had a least one good man years ago. I would like to think there is still an older mechanic that is comfortable with older Detroits still employed there. Good Luck.