I hope they can make it work and turn a profit. A interesting combination of old and new technology: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/...-the-carbon-negative-cargo-boats-made-of-wood
We have built one in Sweden as well, launched in 2003. A replica of a cargo ship from 1738. She has been to China once and they are now planning a new trip there...
With my experience in yachts. I would NEVER want to cross the gulf stream in a wood boat again, as in ever. They stopped building boats out of wood decades ago because they found better materials..... As for being stronger, perhaps it is the day it is built, but the strength of a wood boat degrades from there and heavily based on how well it's maintained. Perhaps they should try building one out of Ferro Cement next! Even in the wood boat pictured from the 1700's, they would nail copper sheets on the bottom to keep worms from eating them.
They are still in the model testing stage, but as one of the worlds largest car transport companies, they will probably gain in PR and when loaded with 7.000 cars i guess it will pay off one day...
Aha, They already have the contracts, that helps for sure. I guess draft is not a factor going to deep water ports, we have about 45’ here in Port Everglades. (Guessing they must have an adult size keel for stability and less lee way even on a modern sailing ship)