That's a lot of money. What did you have done? Any pics of the finished boat or of the work in progress?
all new electronics Simrad, including nss 16 (2) sonar ,chirp, side scan, forward scan,radar 6.5 ' array new simrad auto pilot. dock master hand held remote, bow thruster, 50.000 dollar engine work (tune up) brough the engines (detroits 900 hp each) to spec. Redesigned the fly bridge placing the instruments in ergonomically locations Removed interior, refinished with new flooring Nuteak in flybridge ,cockpit, and all interior floors. installed new galley with high end appliances and all new mahogany cabinets by expert craftsmen. total coast so far approximately $350.000.
Lots of image reduction programs and apps on the net, for your mobile device or OS. Pics must to be under 1000 pixels wide, preferably under 800. Why? Because we have a lot of viewers on satcom.
Last month I purchased a 1989 54' Bertram, hull #BERS0653B889. Currently Miss Mickey, She has been Ca Ce Bon!, Top Gun, and Miss Britt. Previously I had a 50' Bertram, that sank last year during Hurricane Sally. This 54 has the 1100hp 12v92's, and is making 22-23kts at 1850rpm. The first trip offshore we went 1 for 2 on white marlin. My 50 never performed as expected, as the 8v92 boats were a 22kt cruise, and we were 19kts at 1950rpm. Tried different wheels, but it may have been just heavy with tower and davit. The 54 feel light on her feet. We're VERY pleased!
Sorry for your Sally loss. Sounds like you found a nice replacement . It's good to read positive news about ole boats. Please open a new thread and tell us (with pictures) about your ship and that White Marlin that got aweigh.
You need a nice spare set of 12v92’s just in case or to have for parts. I know where you can get them
Having read your repower thread, if I lost a motor, I would repower with C18 Cats like you did. I think we have similar boats, and your performance was unbelievable. I've seen a few 54' Bertrams that were repowered with C18s with good results. The Bertram factory built one 54 for the Bacardi Rum family with 12 cylinder MANs that supposedly performed great, but I imagine that repower would be twice the price of C18s. I only have 1900 hours on the 12v92s, so hopefully that's not something I'll be dealing with anytime soon.
1986 With Hull ID BERS0575E586 now called Huntress in Palm Beach. She was previously named Vitamin Sea, Sea Hawk, SoFlo and ?Sea Angel in PA before that I think. I'd be interested to know how many of the 177 are still operating?