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Trumpy 78’ ?

Discussion in 'Trumpy Yacht' started by Brigadoon, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. Brigadoon

    Brigadoon New Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Bethesda MD
    I am looking for any information. My family owned a 65 TRUMPY (now Blue Moon was Gibson Girl with us) then bought a larger one (I thought) in this photo. However it does not match up to what I find in Trumpy records. We had thought it was not a Trumpy at first and an Allied...but I think Allied was the Brokerage we bought it from. Any help would be appreciated.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2018
  2. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Hello Brigadoon. Welcome to YachtForums! I agree that the yacht in the photo, to my eye is not a Trumpy. If I understand, the yacht names you mention in your post relate to the former yacht that was a Trumpy, yes? What was the name of the later yacht and around what year(s) was she in your family's ownership? Do you know any other details, even minor recollections about this mystery yacht? I may be able to figure this out but I need a few more puzzle pieces.
  3. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Allied Marine is likely correct. Here is a photo of "Safari Rose" (former Sara Rose") a 76' 1959 Allied Marine built motor yacht. This one was sold in 2002 in Washington state.

    Attached Files:

  4. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Further research on Google suggests that "Safari Rose" is in charter service on Lake Tahoe. I'm willing to bet this is the same yacht that once belonged to Brigadoon's family.
  5. Brigadoon

    Brigadoon New Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Bethesda MD
    Wow that was fast yes we had first a grumpy around 69-73 Gibson girl..grouse point no and ft Lauderdale..then sold it bought the allied Fibson girl name also (that some told me was a trumpy) but I remember being with my dad an uncle at the closing and hear in it was an allied..but later I could never find any info on Allied..we sold it 1979ish about it a 40 craft wood open....

    How did u know it wasnt a trumpy? And do you know where more info on Allied is and where it was built..I think that is it
  6. Brigadoon

    Brigadoon New Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Bethesda MD
    Sorry for typos....was so excited and was in my car (
  7. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    I'm happy to help. It's good to know that she still survives.
  8. Brigadoon

    Brigadoon New Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Bethesda MD
    How did you know so fast not a Trumpy ?

    Is allied marine the same as allied Brokerage now if you know?
  9. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    I'm fairly familiar with the remaining Trumpy fleet. I have sold a number of these yachts during my yacht brokerage career. The lines and profiles of the John Trumpy and Fred Geiger designs are distinctive and I tend to recognize them pretty easily.

    I was not familiar with the Allied Marine yachts until the research for your question. In fact I can find evidence of only one other in existence. She is a 1966 60' cockpit motoryacht that is for sale in Venezuela. This is not to suggest that there were not others built. I don't know anything of this builder's history or their connection, if any to the Allied Marine in Florida. Perhaps someone else will chime in here.
  10. Chase creek

    Chase creek New Member

    Mar 6, 2018
    Church Hill
    Sea Eric, would you know anything about a Trumpy 100+ foot build sometime in the 30’s, 40’s. The home port would have been Annapolis Maryland. My grandfather owned the yacht. He lived in Pines on the Severn, Arnold Maryland, a large dairy farm in St. Margaret, Annapolis and other farm off Shore Acres Road, Arnold, Maryland. I am trying to see what is still available about the yacht. We have some of the chinaware from the yacht. Thanks
  11. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    I'd need the boat name, your grandfather's name and approximate years of his ownership to begin that research.
  12. Chase creek

    Chase creek New Member

    Mar 6, 2018
    Church Hill
    Thanks for your help. I wrote a long email about the yacht but unfortunately it when to the admin office. So the yacht was the Indian, 100+ feet, home port maybe Annapolis, grandfather, Edward Earle Kaiser, dob 1880-1890, boat may have been purchased estimate 1929-1930. Thanks very much
  13. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I still have a copy in my inbox. Here it is...


    Thanks. I really appreciate your time. My mother’s father, Edward Earle Kaiser, was a representative for GMC in Europe and South America. The family family lived in Spain and Brazil. My one aunt was born in Brazil 80 years ago. They moved back to the USA shortly after to the Annapolis area. The Kaiser family all had properties in Pines on the Severn, Arnold, Maryland. During this time grandfather owned a dairy farm, Pleasant Plains, St. Margaret’s, off Whitehall Bay.

    Here is where the time line gets messed up. Grandfather purchased another dairy farm, Free Foley, in the Hereford area of Baltimore County. After being a dairy farmer he moved his family to Paradise Hill farm. He leased the fields and worked for the State of Maryland, as an engineer for the Department of Transportation.

    World War II was coming to an end, I was born and mom and dad purchased a small house in Pines on the Severn. Long winded story.

    I know during the time grandfather and his family lived in Pines on the Severn he purchased sailboats (the knockabouts) from the USNA. He told me he bid on a boat for $ 1.00 and got the entire fleet (12 boats). He towed them to Chase Creek off the Severn River.

    I believe he purchased the “Indian”. Maybe a Trumpy of 100 + feet. My mother was his engine person. She had a ladder in the engine room and would use it to perform the tasks her father passed through a communication system. Mom was born 1913 (she died 1986) so I want to say she was in her mid teens.

    There was conversation that grandfather was a wealthy man and at sometime took his siblings to Europe on the Indian.

    Again I appreciate your help. I have a lot of contacts in Annapolis and will see what else I can dig up. Only one aunt (one born in Brazil) is alive but has not been much help.

    Going to look for the pictures of the Indian. Thanks again.

  14. Chase creek

    Chase creek New Member

    Mar 6, 2018
    Church Hill
    Thanks. I am trying to get it right
  15. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    I have found a yacht in the 1935 Edition of Lloyd's Register of American Yachts that seems to match up with your description. The "Indian" in Lloyds is 100' built by New York Yacht, Launch and Engine Co in 1913 designed by Gielow and Orr. In 1935 she was owned by a gentleman who's then address was listed as 273 Lexington Ave, New York City. This owner passed away in 1988 in Annapolis where his son, of the same name (Jr) is a prominent attorney. It would make sense that this was perhaps the owner before or after your grandfather. I see no listing for any yacht owner named Kaiser as of 1935. I do however find a private signal listing and image for Edward E. Kaiser. Does the attached look at all familiar? Edward E Kaiser flag resize.jpg
  16. Chase creek

    Chase creek New Member

    Mar 6, 2018
    Church Hill
    SeaEric, I messed up again. Answered email wrong. Some day someone will teach me better. I hope your information will get me to the boat. I really appreciate your help. Unbelievable, great work. We will need to get a milkshake on me. I will figure it out. Will try to find the China. Brother not sure where he packed it and with which of his sons. There is more information but brother is older and maybe not wise. Thanks so much
  17. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Further research brings me to Gas Engine and Power Company - later known as Consolidated Shipbuilding - being the original builder for the 92' LWL 100' LOA "Indian" O/N 211435. The 1935 Lloyd's that I'm using for reference says she was re-powered in 1926 with twin 4 cycle "20th Century" gas engines. My research suggests that "20th Century" was an engine produced by New York Yacht Launch and Engine Company. This could have provided the confusion as to her original builder as both were located in Morris Heights, NY. Indian may have been re-powered during a major re-fit at NYYL&E Co., as would have been popular at that time for a 13 year old yacht that was likely steam or perhaps naptha engine powered when built.
  18. hyu7ioj*gimnt

    hyu7ioj*gimnt New Member

    Dec 1, 2020
    That was my great grandfathers yacht!
  19. Oscarvan

    Oscarvan Senior Member

    Nov 10, 2015
    Chesapeake Bay
    Wow..... check out the timeline on the posts..... Good work Sea Eric.
  20. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    I am a wealth of mostly useless information. I do, however enjoy doing the research on these puzzles.