Hey everyone. Hope you all had a nice thanksgiving holiday with family during these crazy times. So I am installing a new tender on my swim platform and I am at a fixed dock. The current set up in my slip is 2 stern lines crossed at the rear with shockles (see pic below)to take up slack in the line. When the new tender is installed there will be interference with the tender in place based on my set up. Any thoughts on how I should secure the boat from the rear with tender in place? Thanks guys.
How about not crossing your stern lines? Will that work for your setup. Depending on the cleat and dinghy location that could eliminate the interference.
Not crossing the lines maybe the only solution. Depending on the slip and pier set up, you may be able to run each lines a little farther out on the next cleats.
What is the tide rise in Boca? You might also think about having the outboard dock cleat at the stern actually moved and refastened further out from the stern quarter so you have some angle, and tie the rest of the lines normally? Do you have outboard pilings?
Put chafing gear on your lines where they cross the dinghy. Get a piece of hose and run your line through it. If you can secure it to your dinghy all the better as you'll be assured of it not moving off the dinghy.