Fortunately the guy who stores and takes care of my boat is ordering new parts for both engines. The boat is almost 31 years old and I don't know if they have ever been replaced. He has taken care of the boat for 19 years and this was the first time he knows of that there had been an issue.
Thought I would post a picture of the starboard side which is intact for reference. Think there may be different ways these are connected depending on the engine and who marinized them. Mine are J&T.
Hope everyone is enjoying their boat this summer. I know we have. I am hoping too that I did not chase everyone away with my fuel shut off saga. Retrospectively I guess I should have put it on the technical forum instead of here, but being new I did not think about it. I am learning. Have a great summer boating season everyone. What better way than on our vintage Vikings.
Finally some good weather in the great lakes to enjoy the boating! Heading to Mackinac Island this weekend and down through the North Channel for 2 weeks!
New to this thread and hoping for some real world advice. I’m coming up on my early/pre retirement target time. I’ve got a budget of 75-100k for a boat and 10-12k annual maintenance budget (not including dockage/ fuel / insurance). I’ve done some initial research and will be targeting either a Viking 38 or 41, early to mid 80’s vintage. Realistic plan or am I dreaming? Any feedback is appreciated.
Seems realistic to me. I spend around 10-15k annually including dockage and insurance. Some years are a little more expensive than others it just depends on what maintenance items are due. Some unforeseen items may come up as well.
Thanks @ReelPlumber - much appreciated. Do you mind saying what boat/ engines you have? I am being told from some seemingly wise people as yourself that things will break and need to be fixed. So its important to have a boat which can be (reasonably) easily maintained......not all boats are created equal in this regard. So I’m trying to get some feedback on this. Thanks.
@RichardC - I have 1993 43' Convertible with Detroit 6V92's @ 550hp. Things do break, wear, or just go bad but if you are able to fix things yourself you will be ahead of the game. I do most of my own maintenance and repairs. Replacing pumps, hoses, filters, etc I'll do. Tune ups, heat exchanger's , turbo's and like things my mechanic does.
Richard, Hi Richard, Your plan is very doable...especially if you start with a well made boat and do your own maintenance and basic repairs yourself like ReelPlumber just suggested. Very doable indeed. In fact, my wife and I had the same goal and so far, loving it. However, for unrelated reasons, we may be selling our 1982 Viking 43, a great boat. You can see more of ATHENA here: Let me know when you are ready to make the move.
Hey CherBo, We're at Dredge Harbor, would you be in Neshaminy? Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay is our route also, this year was bad.
You're not likely to hear from members CherBo or mrmpix (about your broken rub rails) as neither has logged in since 2010. But there are a lot more of us, so don't give up you Big Gorilla.
What is considered classic? Would 1987 MY be in? Had Jersey Girl for 3 seasons and enjoying every minute. Always fun working on boat when everything is not square or put in before the top was put on. I wish the door into the salon was bigger then 24" wide. bring to bring furniture and larger fridge was a pain. Take all apart and reassemble, love doing things twice. I wish the 671TI's had more power than 485hp. We did cruise at 27 knots with almost empty fuel tanks and not so much weight, once we put things on the boat forget about it. Always winter projects, found out the A\C condensation went directly to the bilge and stink up the boat, BUT WHY??? So this winter drain them out.. Hi Leeky!! i don't give up that easy..
Would like to join the party! We have owned our 1988 55' MY since 2014, but just discovered this thread, ( shows how much I pay attention).
If this is still an active "Vintage Viking Fan Club; what is the consensus as to what qualifies as a "Vintage Viking". Are your thoughts 25 years or older (1996)? 35 years or older (1986)? The Viking we just closed on in January is a 1994 and we, the wife and I, consider her a "Vintage Yacht". We are definitely interested in exchanging thoughts, ideas and sources with other owners.
Welcome ! There really isn't a specific year required. This is the place where us Viking owners tend to go with questions or stories that are Viking related.
Hi All, I'm new to this forum, but just acquired a 1979 Viking 43DC and I think my wife is getting a little jealous of her. She's on the hard now, as I just had her soda blasted. I sailed her home to Charlotte Harbor, FL. via the Okeechobee Waterway the last week of 2021. She ran beautifully with only a couple of minor hiccups. I'm doing a complete refit including adding some new technologies to replace some of the outdated stuff. If anyone has any related pieces, parts, links to such stuff, etc., I'd be grateful for the heads up!