This is a ridiculous ask. Even if the stamps are behind the nut you can see them popping out, you can also tell if the props have been reconditioned most of the time. If there's not vibration and you're making rpm, let it ride. I know of NO seller that would allow this.
"Captain's survey": Never heard of it, but it's an excellent idea to bring an experienced captain along for your initial look. His job being to tell you why you shouldn't buy the boat. He should also be on board to assist in the survey. Survey: Should include all aspects of the boat and consist of an in water dockside and running examination of all systems, and a drydock hull and running gear examination. Your surveyor should be able to do the mechanical survey, but it's not a bad idea to also hire a mechanic to assist in the mechanical survey. Prop survey: When the boat is out of the water during the survey the props and all running gear (along with hull integrity) should be checked both visually and physically, but nobody is going to let you pull the props and send them out.
Let me get this Straight. No music, no anchoring, no grilling, no AC, can’t charge the batteries. but it s all good after you (or your favorite banker) signed a BIG check....
The only two reasons why you will get seller to pull the wheels and send them to a good shop are a vibration on sea trial or the engines aren’t turning rated RPM.
Yes, exactly, as a component of acceptance after sea trial and in the yard. We found a ding as well as cutlass bearings and got that all wrapped up as part of the settlement project for seller.
Yeah I had the same reaction that seems like a $#!? storm of failures. Any one of those problems on it’s own is a potential trip ending issue.
I had just that situation. (Rpm) First yard didn’t get it right, went to different yard and prop shop and they got it perfect. Seller paid for everything.
Our 2021 Galeon 500 Fly arriving to San Diego from Poland Dec 12. Marinemax is flying out rep and head mechanic to spend a couple of days with me for shake out etc. Was impressed with their commitment, hopefully they can find/resolve any problems if needed. Was planning to hire surveyor until they offered this option.
No, we haven't seen the boat yet. Just built and was on its way to Ft Lauderdale show when we bought and redirected to San Diego.
New boat with warranty in this size I can see not surveying, but sight unseen? Hope you've seen others in person to get an idea of fit and finish, etc. Everything looks good in pictures.
I can't see not surveying and I buy new boats from people I trust more than Marine Max and Galeon. My purchases are always subject to survey. I want the issues fixed before I take ownership, rather than being dragged out for months.
Great point I will work on locating a competent surveyor in San Diego, thanks! I have been on other Galeons and seen this model at San Diego dealer. Very impressed with their fit and finish and especially innovation/versatility compared to Sunseeker and Azimut equivalents
Gotcha. I’m new to this range coming from a 32 foot regal but always thought sunseeker made a really good boat.
New boats have issues too........Reposting the importance of a surveyor and getting a engine tech that is certified for those engines. If it’s VOLVO pods get a certified VOLVO pod tech as well. Like olderboater said “you want the issues resolved before taking ownership.” Enjoy your new purchase, stay on top of issues as the come up. I would also keep a log for when you have an issue and when you reported it to dealer. Unfortunately, some boats new and used will have continues issues and you may have to request a full refund if it becomes a big issue in the future. Good documentation will support any claims you file on. This is of course worse case. Marine Max is a huge stockholder company and profit is how they fly. Sales first and service second Should be service first and sales second because good service drives sales!
These are three respected accredited marine surveyors in San Diego you can google them... Kells Christian Brad Destache Doug Wright Survey the boat and resolve any deficiencies before you take delivery. New boat? Engine start up by a certified tech should be included with purchase of boat as part of the warranty procedure and certification.