Blowers help but a fume detector is critical on a gas boat. when invited on a friends boat I usually decline if it s a gasser not knowing how maintained the boat is.
I think you mean flame "arrestor" not detector. However that stops carb flareups not bilge explosions or fires. Either not good friends or serious paranoia if you won't go on a boat just cause it's gas. Virtually every boat under 36' you see is a gasser.
Detectors are a must, but they don't replace the old snoz in the bilge That boat looks like it just finished fueling, which seems to me one of the more critical times to run your blower and do that old fashion smell test. Looks to me like standing on the platform with that transom piece as a shield saved that lady from a tragic burn?/
Early nineties we were friends with one partner in the Millionair FBO on Clevelands Burke Lakefront airport. On Mothers Day the other partner was tied up at Shooters Bar in the Flats. Wife, four year old and 2 grand parents. Someone started the generator. The four year old survived as an instant orphan. Lake Erie gave him back three months later. No gassers for me.
Wow! Revived a vivid memory of trolling about 50nm offshore on a buddy's gasser, opened the console door to check the Loran, and smelt fumes! Opened the engine hatches and the stb engine had a leak on the carb. Shut all down and spent about an hour+ flushing the bilge with raw water and airing out. We were close to being a debris slick on the water, tightened some loose screws on the carb and fished on. No inboard gasser for me, ever.
Thank you I know the difference between a flame arrestor which prevents a backfire from igniting fumes and a fume or vapor detector which has sensor down low in the bilge connected to an alarm at the helm... many gas boats don’t have a fume detector and many operators are too lazy to open the hatch and sniff. This is why accidents like this happen along with poor maintenance... i m not paranoid, just realist. Nowadays the risks are minimized by the fact that more and more boats are outboards. I ve had gas inboards 20+ years ago and was paranoid about maintenance