Hi, just booked my flight to the Boot Düsseldorf for Jan 18/19 2020. Would be fun to meet some of you there!
According to their website, the boot 2021 will take place as last year with a list of special precautions. But I would not book my flight yet...
I would not bet on the fact that the boat show will take place either. I wanted to go to Monaco again this year for the annual Monaco yacht show …which of course didn’t take place because of Corona. And unfortunately, it's still too early to say what the pandemic will be like next year...According to the organisers, many boats were located in the USA and the Caribbean this summer. So it wouldn't make sense to organise such an event this year anyways… I only hope that normal travelling will be possible again and that the pandemic is more or less over next year. I am certainly not the only one with that wish…Hopefully covid will come to an end soon... ;-)