Had an Elegance on our last boat and just finished installing one on our current boat. Both set for raw water or fresh water flush. Love them.
+ 1 for Raritan customer service. Spoke to them just this week in fact. 30 some years & never disappointed. Shaving cream is helpful in finding vacuum leaks, not the gell stuff tho. Get the Hi-Karate scented stuff & you'll think Grandpa's ghost is in the bilge.. ( or R.Crapps !! )
Thanks, everyone. Just placed an order for 2(ea) Raritan Elegance toilets. I went with the tall bowls and smart flush. I don't know why I didn't do this several years ago
I didn’t go for the smart flush for the Elegance and Atlantes I put on my boat.... no need for more electronic. The momentary old fashion push button works very well
Agree with this. The smart switch is fancy but I just used my existing momentary switch and have never seen a need for anything else. And it simplifies an already easy install.
I know you're replacing, the heads, but be sure and check the "Y" valves for blockage. I ran a yacht that had valves below the waterline, and although the hoses had no buildup adjacent to the "Y" valve, the valve itself was almost closed because of the build up of the Mystery Mineral in the valve itself. I have heard that the build-up is a reaction between seawater and urine, but I have no idea. I also ran a 65' Swan sailing yacht that had the full length of the old rubber sanitation hose constricted down with Mystery Mineral. If you haven't seen it, it's grey and looks like poor quality concrete. It attaches to some materials and builds up like plaque on arteries. It seems to take years to build up enough to cause frequent problems with flushes.