I saw a Viking sport fish with small (2 1/2-3") courtesy lights mounted under the hard top and around the cockpit. They had either blue bulbs or blue lenzes with white bezels made for exterior mood lighting. Any idea where to find them?
You will find them "everywhere" these days, but I guess that Princess/Viking is using Hella Marine, http://www.hellamarine.com/?t=3&pcid=17
Hey CTdave, I don't know if you mean this type of lights, but I have on my Contest sailyacht bleu LED lights on deck, its verry nice and the light is verry beautifull, it gives your yacht a verry exclusive look, a lot of people love them, I thinks that I go sell these lights after a little promotion, I think I put some on eBay someday and look howmuch reactions I get. I will put some more pictures of them at my own website: www.joshua-contestyacht.nl just take a look Ciao
I looked at the link that AMG posted http://www.hellamarine.com/?a=3&t=3&View=FullStory&productID=613&pcid=6 Thanks Thes are good for another unrelated application
CTdave I know that the are from a dutch company, I found them at a store in the place where I live, The used them in gardens and docks, I had search a long time for these kind of lights and couldnt find them only verry expensive one's. The lights ar 3,5mm round and have 2 LED lights, I know that the are also with white LED lights, the ring is stainless steel. I will make as soon as possible some pictures of my boat at night so you can see better how it looks.
Yes the blue courtesey lights looks very upscale at night...i think there are some in purple as well....such as the ones on Pelorus aft stairs and on many Perinis...they are nice!...i always wanted to know tho what is the purpose of using red lights in the bridge? I know it has something to do with limiting the interior light interference but red?
I am using dimmers to white lights on the bridge instead, as red printed information on sea-maps will disappear with red lights. As well as dimmers on almost all lights around the boat since it can take up to half an hour to get your night vision back if you have looked into bright white light. And if I have to, I use to keep one eye closed until getting out of the light...
Hi Lars Just a suggestion, on the boat that I am currently running the lighting fixtures on the brige have 2 lamps one white one red. The white is on a dimmer the red is not, these are the bulbs that I paint with red engine enamel. I know you can buy them but it's the same bulb as the white so it's easier to carry spares.
And just as an afterthought. It might be a really good idea to have a lockout relay so that if the red was on the white could not be turned on. I regularly have someone onboard who has a tendance to turn on the white lights without dimming every time we are coming into harbour at night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess who
Here some pictures of the blue led lights that I build in on board of my Contest sailyacht, Ciao Roys www.joshua-contestyacht.nl
Blue NAV/COM station lighting At the risk of being castigated by Carl ( "This ain't Big Honkin' Military Ships Forums, it's Yacht Forums"), I thought this piece of info might fit this thread: A couple of years ago, I had the fortune to get the cook's tour of the COM station of a U.S. guided missle cruiser. USS CG 58, to be exact. No portlights, all darked-out, with the exception of some strategically placed low-wattage overhead lights in blue of all colors. I mentioned to the Chief that yachts use red lighting to preserve night vision. So, why blue? He responded that they still use pencils up there, and that pencil marks get washed out in red, but not blue. He showed me some scribblings on a clipboard which were quite discernable. Maybe blue will be the next New Thing for our nav stations? You read it here first.
yachtluver, I just use them as show lights, just for the looks, the pictures are the lights on the deck at the bow of the yacht, Looks verry nice when you walk at the dock and see the boat then. And this yes i use them as uplights you can walk over the lights the are verry strong,