Beau, ya know it still works ! Now to filter my fuel right and possibly install a new deck fill or o-ring ... The fill I have is a cheap-o from previous owner. I think it might leak a little.
Dry Gas made everything run when I was kind. Was on my self right next to Marvels Mystery Oil and was it SPD (?) that oil thickener?
I always keep some dry gas (and dry wire also) in my garage ever since my wife drove into a puddle that came up to her door. Yes they got her going. Her exhaust was like a fire hose, but the car is fine. (I believe you're thinking of STP Beau (Richard Petty #43)
Just back in cell range. Ya know were talking about gas, not diesel. the 2.5 minute was a diesel spec. That is why Racor put the metal shields under their clear bowl. It may just last 2.5 minutes. If you insist, I'll dig thru the net and find your exact spec if you need more that the simple terms of BoatUS.
The fill was a contributor to my aft tank woes a few years ago. Ensure good O ring seal and good clamps under to the fill deck fitting securing the fill hose. My issue was the clamps. Also, tank vents facing down & aft.
What I referenced didn't say gas or diesel, and I'm surprised since gas is more volitile. In fact this is the quote: "ABYC standards for inboard fuel filter installations for gasoline or diesel engines require that filters installed within the engine space must be able to pass a two and one-half minute heat test as defined by ANSI/UL 1105. Gasoline and diesel filters that meet this requirement are generally equipped with a metal bowl.Jun 24, 2019" Yes, if you could locate that it could help the OP.
Keeping all simple; CFR 183,534 Gives the simplest reason plastic filters are not to be installed below decks for gasoline installations. 183.534 also introduces standardized test in CFR 183.590. Using CFR 183.590 as the test bed. Any fuel system component must survive the fire box test. The test uses free burning Heptane flame for 2 ½ minutes on the subject item. Heptane is a fuel similar to gasoline but due to the varying and non repeatable results of gasoline, Heptane is used. Heptane is a repeatable test bed fuel for the open flame in the test box. Simple result, a plastic fuel bowl will melt in a fire. After this, please re-read my above comments. You will also never see a plastic OEM filter on an inboard gas engine under these same guides.
Thank you for looking it up. I'm sure the OP will find it educational. Although I prefer the plastic bowl that can be checked on a glance I guess he'll just have to go with the metal type and manually check it occasionally.
I know they've reengineered plastics and rubbers to hold up to ethanol. You'd think they could conquer the heat problem. In fact I have to think the technology already exists (Firefighters face shields and oxygen masks come to mind), especially since the addition of the metal shield seems to do it for diesel units. My experience (with not just boaters) is that the less convenient something is the less likely it is to be checked. Thanks again for the citations.
Hey Cleanslate When you do install the new filter, Send us some pictures of the install and other high lights of your lil ship. After all this thread, it needs some spirit lifting. Remember, We like to watch..
I'm juggling way over due projects my old 20' work boat and our Bertram. Still to many other issues to deal with. How did I ever think I was going to retire and relax.
Keep the work boat, sell the Bertram and you can spend your days waiting for a fish to take your bait. You'll also see enough of a change in your bank balance that you can afford to charter when you get the urge for something bigger. The best boat in the world is the one your friend owns. Buy the beer and leave the rest to him.
But we are an odd breed here on YFs, most of us like all the work our vessels hand us ..somehow it’s good for us . That’s what I always say to myself while hanging upside down in the bilge changing out an engine impeller or what have you!
Yes I remember repeating my mantra over and over "I love my job" "I love my job" "I love my job" as I fixed what was broken and waited for the next thing to break down. lol. Fortunately I got paid for it. These days I just enjoy whatever it is. If I can't afford to have someone else do the work I don't want it in my stable. Keeping things clean and handling emergency repairs is enough work.