Sweden-based Candela boats has introduced a foil-based, electric boat capable of covering 60 miles at 35 mph... Aerial footage running side-by-side with a traditional deep V hull...
Pretty amazing. It a going to take a while for that the technology to become affordable but very promising. Foils have so much to offer and are starting to appear everywhere.
I don’t think the brain is the issue. look at how A cheap consumer drone can stay level or at how so many games uses a phone or tablet accelerometer as control. the system used to move the foils on the other hand must be complex ...
Hydrofoils was the big thing when I grew up in Norway a few years ago, like in the 60s.. Love to see them roar in and out of the fjords. Later the ferry services switched to big power catamarans cruising @ high speedS in rough water like the hydro
I remember my first time on a hydrofoil jet bike. One of the insertion vehicles we built for special forces.
How was it? Noisy..? I built a model hovercraft way back as a 13 year old, great excitement until I discovered girls, beer and mopeds the following year.
It was the Hoverspeed ferry. I recall the noise being like a commercial airliner. The interior was as well. It didn’t feel like a boat, and riding up and down the ramps was amazing. On one trip the seas were quite snotty and the motion was very uncomfortable. They went through a lot of barf bags, and I was pretty close to putting my breakfast in one as well.