So I just started watching this tv show on a sailboat that they're going to do the Northwest passage in. The boat should be condemned. They're putting a used transmission in. The sailboat is FERRO CEMENT and has a crack the extends the entire length of the boat with rotton rebar showing through which they're patching with bubble gum........the sail is rotton and torn in many spots and they're glueing parts of an old sail to it to re-inforce it. These people are out of their minds. They plan on sailing from Fiji to the Artic circle.
It reminds me of the big Ferro Cement sailboat that was on Norsemans canal forever......guy bought it to do a transatlantic on it to the Med to take it home. They made it as far as Bimini, bumped a channel marker and the entire boat disintegrated and sank right there...........the guy makes a comment about ferro cement being so much stronger than steel.......but fails to mention it has horrible impact resistance and they're going to a place full of will be interesting to watch.........
Yeah, I got 20-30 min or so into watching that, couldn't take anymore. Disaster boat, inexperienced crew, kids on board, heading to one of the most dangerous places on earth. What could possibly go wrong??
Remember the couple who used all their savings to Buy a boat to sail around the world and lost their pos boat just leaving the channel on FL west coast? Didn’t they get a go fund my sorry behind page and hit it big?
Agreed. I tried to watch this show, but I couldn't stay tuned. The network must be running low on reality show material.
I watched it, because I just cannot for the life of me believe someone would attempt this with this vessel. With Covid, the networks are getting low on all tv shows. The filming of MANY tv shows was canceled or delayed this year because of it. So if you look at the TV guide, you see many many re-runs on most of the channels instead of new seasons of shows that should be out.
Capt J - thanks for starting at thread about this. I can't stop watching and am stunned they would consider such a voyage in that boat.