After 5 years of surfing fora, including this one I signed and forked over the money. I present Lady Kay V. As pristine a 42 year old vessel as I could have hoped for. 900 hours on reman engines. Clean and 95% of all the old stuff works, and there's some new stuff where it counts. Owner left me with tubs and tubs of spare parts and manuals. My friends say I did well.... Let the fun begin.
Looks like a clean boat. There is a wealth of knowledge on here for them. Sam's marine is also a wealth of new old parts for them AND has a good forum for them as well as another one called 15'10. The owners manuals are comprehensive and have great wiring and plumbing diagrahms.
Was she up off of Lk. St. Clair? Looks like one we seriously considered when we got Valhalla. Just couldn't put the deal together.
Love those Hatteras boats. Yesterday I couldnt even SPELL " Yachtsman" and today I ARE one. Congratulations.
Thanks all. Capt J I have been on the Hatt forum every day for five years..... It was "ground school" for the search. Right now I'm getting my noob owner questions answered there. The 1510 club is now the Hatteras Classic Club but unfortunately has had to cancel all 2020 avtivities.
Congratulations on your new boat. Looks like a nice catch. Good luck on getting to know her. I am sure it will take a while but well worth the effort. These are pretty complicated machines with many different systems to learn even from one boat to another.
Actually I find them a lot less complicated than many other boats cause the machinery areas are spacious and things are very well labeled
There's a lot of labeling and there's good access.... that said.... 2 fuel, water and waste tanks, 4 A/C's, 12, 24, 32, 120 and 240V, 5 battery banks..... and that's just for starters....
Congratulations! Lady Kay V has really nice lines; it's easy to say, "Now that's a classic." When do we get the virtual tour?
So today I learned Oscarvan has a 42 year old boat and Capt J is the same age. Classics both. Congratulations on the pulling the trigger on a very nice looking vessel. She is an inspiration to be sure.