This recently came to my attention and then Lars posted something related... One of our members posted a number of links to shipspotting dot com. This site requires a mandatory registration to view images. This is not an unusual practice in recent days, as a number of websites are adopting this protocol... but for reasons less benign than you think. Let me explain... Shipspotting dot com is telling viewers that due to the number of hits they are receiving, they have to limit viewing to only members. THIS IS TOTAL BULL DUNG! It's nothing more then a ploy to build membership, so they have a base to present to advertisers!!! Therefore, we have a new guideline... links to mandatory registration sites are not permitted. We WILL NOT allow other sites to use our traffic to build their membership.
Greetings everyone, I knew something was odd when they didn't reduce the size of their pictures but complained about lack of bandwidth.Anyhow they got me and if I can register there I figured I darn well better register at the one honest site left.(this one) Call your advertizers Carl tell them I'm onboard.There would be a smilie here if I knew how!
Well as of a few hours ago, you had to register/login to view photos on, I just now checked back and you no longer have to be registered to view... Just thought you'd like to know...