Hot BOOMER! Have the screens ever been pulled off? Lots of stuff can grow behind them and in the bronze thru-hull. Needs to be nice and clean. Buck Algonquin makes a high flow water screen also to replace the standard screen. That will help feed in more water....
Was just down there tonight... looked down the seacock and could.see light from the outside coming thru the screen..water coming in also
Cant pull dump cans and I cant fit an endoscope down there unfortunately to look...those suckers are locked onto the rubber exhaust tight!! Afraid to dent the stainless
Diver cleaned the screens real good and I dumped a gallon of barnacle buster down the throats of the dump cans...all happy again!! Temps is good again..thank you for all the ideas
What did the diver find? Anything surveyed in front of the pickup? Did the diver just clean the strainers or was aware of a warm issue? Did the diver offer any additional comments?
He was aware of overheat issue...he punched out all the little holes in the screen he obstructions in front..pretty heavy barnacles on keel...paint is done...time for haul out this year for my 3 year bottom job
I will be doing it this time...wife needs to see what a "simple" bottom job entails..along with a new rubrail, shaft and new props
Honestly, I'd pay someone LONG before doing it myself when it comes to bottom paint.....sanding and breathing that crap, getting it all over your skin, etc. etc.
Great news about the over heat issues. Man you Florida guys really have it bad with the sea growth. Here in Cape May it's not as bad. The screens come out pretty easy..If I remember the screws that hold them in are on the end of the bronze base. After you remove the screws, Just take a screw driver and put it at an angle in some of the small holes at random and tap aft with a light hammer or mallet and slide them right out. Then sand the @#$^ out of them , or just get new clean ones from a good boat store. They are not to expensive. You will most likely see lots of junk up under where the screen was for you to remove with various tools. Work the seacock too, and make sure you can see the ball open and close fully , sea crud needs to be removed from there too.
Thank you all...definitely need some water proof grease on the seacock ball...will pull the screens for sure this year
Sounds good. You know ,the yard workers won't do as good a job as you will , cause it's not there boat and unfortunately many don't give a hoot ,they will leave stuff behind. Boomer ! give those boat orifices of yours a good reaming! You can do it!
Lol....winter time my friend...too hot right now to do anything but sip a nice cold cocktail on the back deck watching the sunset
We have the yard (Huckins) vacuum-sand the bottom. Then the wife and son pour the ablative paint on. After all the years watching 3 yards apply paint, we learned to do it our selves. Hence 3-4-5 years between bottom jobs. Of course we have a diver dust off the ablative paint and scrub the running gear. The paint, just takes a dust off or a good run to clear it self. So far here in the fresh water, all clean. Installing weaker alloy zincs when the props are re-installed.
Huckins refit our boat in 2010...spent many years under boats getting them ready for splashing up north...was almost my calling in life until I discovered air conditioning
We were there. 1/3 down the floating dock. Here is the view you would have seen of JoSea. BTW, That is a 72' Hatt CPMY next to our lil 58' Bert. Ya know I luv those fat bottom girls..