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Are there any Symbol owners out there?

Discussion in 'Symbol Yacht' started by Noodlyarm, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Kirk Mandy

    Kirk Mandy New Member

    Jul 6, 2020
    Bc, can
    Hi Peter, I own a 2010 symbol 55 classic, 1200hrs, Cummins qsc 8.3, ZF 305 tranny. Question. Apparently there is a filter connected to the holding tank vent hose. I think mine needs to be changed as I get odor on the port side when the tank reaches half full. Would you or anyone else know where this filter is located? I’ve learned with this vessel that all serviceable items have access ports but for the life of me I cannot find the filter or where it exits the boat. Many thanks, Kirk
  2. Noodlyarm

    Noodlyarm New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    Seattle & Anacortes, WA
    Hello Kirk,

    In my limited experience with Symbols (3 of them), it could be anywhere between the holding tank(s) and the overboard vent. In my 55 it was pretty close to the holding tank, but on my 57 one is by the holding tank and the filter on the other tank is by the overboard vent. In all cases, my vent hoses ran from the holding tanks through the bilge and aft a bit to the overboard vents.

    In both cases they were cylindrical filters and I replaced them with the SeaLand/Dometic inline filters: at about $100.

    If you do this yourself, and this is a bit smelly but not hard to do, replace (don't reuse) the stainless band-clamps too. Also note that my vent hoses were all 5/8". The SeaLand filter will fit anywhere between 1/2" and 1" diameter hoses. Lastly, this SeaLand filter has replaceable cartridges making next year's filter replacement much easier.

    I am in no way affiliated with SeaLand or any other supplier.

    YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) and Good luck!
  3. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Those are the newer Dometic ones that replace the ones you are used to. The ends for all different hose sizes up to 1.5" (I think) come with it and pop right on, so they no longer have to make/stock a couple different models/sizes.

    Follow the hose from the tank to the vent on the outside of the boat, it will be somewhere on that line.
  4. Kirk Mandy

    Kirk Mandy New Member

    Jul 6, 2020
    Bc, can
    Thanks very much! I did find it near the holding tank. The tank is under the msr and the filter was tucked in behind the heat/cooling exchange unit which is under the bed.
  5. Kirk Mandy

    Kirk Mandy New Member

    Jul 6, 2020
    Bc, can
    Found it! Thanks for the tip on the Sealand filter. It is quite accessible so should be an easy job. Thank you very much!
  6. Steve Gotham

    Steve Gotham New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
    Fort Myers Yacht Basin
    I don't have a reply but a question. I'm painting my 1988 Symbol 44 Sundeck and I don't really know what color it is .Looks like a egg shell to me. Any one know for sure?
  7. Noodlyarm

    Noodlyarm New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    Seattle & Anacortes, WA
    I didn't want your question to go unresponded to... I don't know the color, but any good paint yard should be able to tell you the color. Note, that it is nearly impossible to match a faded paint color. As long as you aren't trying to blend and match that, but get back to the original color you should be OK.
  8. fissioneng

    fissioneng New Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    Chesapeake Bay
    It seems that Symbol is not represented in the US as of this posting date. I'm looking for details about the various models they've built over the years and can't find a thing on the internet which I find amazing. I don't even find an owner's forum. This one on YachtForums is the only thing I've seen. Am I missing something?

    My only guess is that they haven't built many boats.
  9. Noodlyarm

    Noodlyarm New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    Seattle & Anacortes, WA
    If you are missing something, so am I. Symbol is not well represented or marketed in the US. That being said, there are a number of them around. Here in the PNW, I routinely run into the 557 & 558 models. Both are great boats and represent wonderful value for money. I've owned a 55 and a 557. Of the two, the 557 was by far the better boat.
  10. Matchmaker

    Matchmaker New Member

    Dec 16, 2020
    Just purchased a 41 Sundeck. Seems well built but the electrics are a bit of a mess with many mods over the years. Anybody know current status of brand? Anyone track down owners manuals? Is there an owners group?