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Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by NYCAP123, Jun 24, 2020.

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  1. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    There are plenty of swabs in Florida. Replacement swabs are readily available in the event a facility runs short, but spikes in demand can outguess the management of those facilities and catch them understocked.

    Oh, and hydroxi coupled with antibiotics ad/or zinc worked in many cases around the world, although big pharma hates that news. So they tested it alone and it did nothing. They won. We lose.
  2. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    Fauci has been there since day one, years in fact, multiple administrations, the worlds leading expert , etc. we have had a central disease control for decades , the expectation that you throw money and it all goes away is a pipe dream and ignores human behavior.

    Much has been said about Asian countries, you can throw the statistics from China out the door unless you are a volunteer propaganda mouthpiece.

    South Korea is much different , a peninsula nation with a hard border, essentially an island. A diverse economy with a manufacturing base, I believe they have mandatory military service as well. They don’t rely on resort hotels and Disneyland for economic survival and their citizens trust their politicians decisions for the most part. They don’t need people coming into their country to make a go of it in tough times.

    So if you want the South Korean model, secure your borders, build manufacturing industries , everyone in the name of equality gets an eighteen month stint in the military, all without much mobility in life. But they don’t have our constitution and the constant comparing of their results to a giant country like the US is a false proposition throughout. We can’t be South Korea and they can’t be the USA, we need the USA solution period.
  3. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Respectfully disagree. The charter of the CDC and other similar federal public health agencies say something like "... when the magnitude of the disease is such that the individual states cannot adequately address the issue, or there is a national interest the federal government SHALL ....." That's why the federal response to a pandemic has been "table topped" at the federal level for years. The feds developed a written protocol for such eventualities??

    The feds are required to maintain a stockpile of identified materials to "assist" the States in extremis. I do not recall the document/reg that established that responsibility.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    you re right and they did. But it is very difficult for the federal government to override the actions of governors and mayors short of taking drastic actions. In this day and age, any action taken at the federal level ends up being litigated in the courts. Or in the streets.
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Legally the FEDS can't. They can only come in IF the governor calls it a national disaster and requests their help. IE when a governor calls a flooding or hurricane a national disaster and the National Guard comes in (for example).

    Here in South Florida, knowing what to do has been a complete mess in the past few months. Take the marine industry. Dade County (Miami)-everything shut down- boat ramps, marina's (only owners/capt's allowed- no mechanics/divers/boat washers), fuel docks, boat yards. Broward county- boat yards and marina's open- boat ramps, most fuel docks, etc. closed. Palm Beach-everything was closed. The States needed to step in and set their own rules for the entire state, which they did, but then individual counties added to those and nobody knew what WAS and WASN'T going on.

    West Palm Beach is requiring masks everywhere again also now.
  6. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Do you wonder why so many millions take to the street? It's not a Pop concert or a new I-Phone, it's about a little justice. Give the People a fair break. Not by their colour or which school they went to.

    Be Fair.
  7. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    I think we may be mixing up military authority with a national health authority The military etc can only be used in a national health issue when the FEDERAL government declares an emergency - local or national. Until then the fed is merely advisory, and can provide materiale. and advice, but can not DIRECT a state in any manner. No national health emergency has been declared that I am aware of. It's a bit more complex than that, but that's the gist as I understand it.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I'd hate to counter good rhetoric with facts, but the U.S.N.S. Comfort was never sent here to treat Covid-19 patients. It's orders specifically were to only treat non-Covid19 patients while NY hospitals were overflowing with Covid-19 patients. It was a photo-op. Javits was basically set up as a place to die, because all our medical professionals were at the hospitals doing 3, 4 and more shifts in a row. As for the Constitution, it doesn't prohibit the federal government from getting involved in national emergencies, not even regional ones or there would be no FEMA. While states were scrambling for emergency supplies and dealing with price gouging suppliers the feds could have but didn't employ the Defense Production Act and forced companies to fill the demand. Instead some were asked if they'd like to make a bunch of money off our taxpayers. Where are all the N-95 masks 3-M was going to produce. Our doctors are still wearing paper masks and I can't even order an N-95 mask. Did NY's supply of ventilators gather dust until they were no longer operational or were given away before that happened? Of course. We stocked up in preparation for another terrorist attack after 9/11/01 (19 years ago) that thankfully never came. And yes many were sent elsewhere to fight things like the Ebola crisis, because that's where the need was. We had no worries, because if something like say a global pandemic hit we have the Defense Production Act that if used could supply all that's needed. Again we built entire ships in ONE DAY. As for over-riding Governors and Mayors please tell us which were asking for fewer supplies? Our Governors and Mayors should have had one federal number to call. Instead they were and are still shopping on the open international market and competing with every other nation for what they need.
    Now would someone please tell me the name of a single medical professional in the nation who recommends AGAINST practicing social distancing and the wearing of masks. Please name one that recommends we fill our bars and restaurants to overflow capacity. Doctors, nurses, PAs, hell tell me the name of a dentist or veterinarian who does. Why, when faced with the prospect of a horrible death from a pandemic we have no idea how to stop is anybody listening any politician who tells us to drink bleach and take unproven dangerous drugs?

    Now back to the subject of this thread, I heard from a captain today who just brought a boat into NY from Florida. Being a safety minded captain his plan was to rent a car and drive back to Florida to pick up his next transport. Surprise! He's now faced with a 14 day quarantine. A 2 week job just turned into a month long one.
  9. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Oh, and may I state, I have blond hair, blue eyes and look like an extra from a Nazi movie, even down to the little round eye-glasses.

    My sister is black and very Antiguan. At this this time she normally works in the Poncanos Hills from her base in NYC doing her fittness training. This year is a wright-off and has planned so.

    She makes all her students wear a mask.
  10. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The people took to the street, many of them, because they were funded by a terrorist group called Black Lives Matter. It had nothing to do with Floyd, as the police officer involved was already charged with murder, and the others there with accessory to murder. Floyd was the excuse to catalyze the destruction of many cities. Pallets of bricks didn't just fall out of the sky in every city they protested in, it was all well organized and arranged.
  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Your facts are not facts and they are wrong.

    1. 3M N95 masks- 3M is a publicly held FOR PROFIT company. They are producing as many N95 masks as they can possibly make, knowing that they're making profit on each and every one of them and can sell as many masks as they can produce. They simply are at full production and can't produce more masks than they are making. The Federal and state governments have NOTHING to do with this.

    2. NY state has made many bad decisions such as the bail reform law and people being arrested for many crimes and just set free. Same with people not obeying social distancing, they get arrested, then walk right out of jail. Also the NY state hospitals were poorly prepared for ANY medical emergency, underfunded, and under staffed before this pandemic even broke out.

    3. The government sent 4,000 ventilators to NY state which went un-used. WHY, because NY state hospitals were understaffed to begin with, and didn't have the nurses and doctors to OPERATE the ventilators and the demand wasn't there. Can you prove that anyone who needed a ventilator was turned away and left to die in NY state???? If so, please post your source and the article.

    4. The US Comfort was sent to NY state with ventilators and started to treat covid patients on April 6th, it too went un-used because the demand wasn't there.

    Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, commander of U.S. 2nd Fleet and Maritime Component Element-East, said the Comfort would continue to assist in the fight against the pandemic.

    “USNS Comfort arrived in New York City to provide relief to frontline healthcare providers, and each patient who was brought aboard ensured one more bed was available in a local hospital,” he said.

    “While the ship is departing New York City, make no mistake, the fight is not over, and we stand ready to support the response to COVID-19 in whatever capacity we are needed.”

    The ship docked in Manhattan on March 30, and while it was originally deployed to care for non-coronavirus patients, by April 6 it had begun accepting those with the virus as the city’s hospitals continued to crowd.
    Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, commander of U.S. 2nd Fleet and Maritime Component Element-East, said the Comfort would continue to assist in the fight against the pandemic."

    The amount of people that acquired COVID in NY State has everything to do with how many people from other states and countries that were traveling to and from NY, AND the population density, more than anything other factor combined.
  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    BULL !!! Most of the rioting and looting has been done by outside agitators trying to make the protesters look bad. Most were white. Floyd's murderers were not yet charged when the protests began. They had only been fired and the local DA was questioning whether charges would even be filed. And the protests are not about George Floyd. Yesterday I saw on the news that the murderers of Aubry were charged and I had to strain my brain to remember who he was, which of our no-white citizens that have been murdered was he. That's how many there have been. I can't remember all the names. I'm still trying to figure out why Eric Gardner was choked to death ON CAMERA for selling lose cigarettes and how those who murdered him are still walking free.
  13. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    It turns out that I've had COVID19 and barely knew it. I know this because I've tested positive for antibodies from a blood draw. I'm fairly certain I contracted while snowboarding in Vail in early March (or possibly from one of the many flights/airports required to get back to St. Maarten after the travel bans started). My symptoms were a slightly elevated fever (37C) and a mildly sore throat. Neither lasted more than 2 days. Now I am one of the rare breed of folks who has antibodies, and I've been trying to donate plasma.
    I also tested positive for active virus (the PCR nasal swab test) a couple of weeks ago, but a test the following day showed that to be a false positive. As a matter of fact, the reported false-positive rate is roughly 15%.
    I've now had my entire crew tested 3 times in the past two weeks. The first test was for a trip to the Bahamas. The second one was to rule out my first false-positive, and to make sure I hadn't infected the crew during the time between the first test and my self-imposed quarantine. And the third was to allow us to avoid quarantine upon arrival in Maine yesterday.
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Your facts are not facts and they are wrong.

    1. 3M N95 masks- 3M is a publicly held FOR PROFIT company. They are producing as many N95 masks as they can possibly make, knowing that they're making profit on each and every one of them and can sell as many masks as they can produce. They simply are at full production and can't produce more masks than they are making. The Federal and state governments have NOTHING to do with this.

    A) Way late to the game. B) Are they the only company capable of making masks? C) The state governments have nothing to do with this, but the federal government could mandate under the Defense Production Act.

    2. NY state has made many bad decisions such as the bail reform law and people being arrested for many crimes and just set free. Same with people not obeying social distancing, they get arrested, then walk right out of jail. Also the NY state hospitals were poorly prepared for ANY medical emergency, underfunded, and under staffed before this pandemic even broke out.

    What does your first sentence have to do with the virus or the quarantine? Sorry, but I live between 3 very excellent hospitals and in fact will be operated on in one tomorrow. NY has some of the best hospitals in the nation. Granted some of the city hospitals, such as Elmhurst are woefully underfunded, but I'd hate to see any hospital system in the nation face what our's did. In fact it looks like we may soon see right in your back yard.

    3. The government sent 4,000 ventilators to NY state which went un-used. WHY, because NY state hospitals were understaffed to begin with, and didn't have the nurses and doctors to OPERATE the ventilators and the demand wasn't there. Can you prove that anyone who needed a ventilator was turned away and left to die in NY state???? If so, please post your source and the article.

    Pick a day between April and May and pull up the NY Times, Daily News, Post, Newsday or the WSJ.

    4) The US Comfort was sent to NY state with ventilators and started to treat covid patients on April 6th, it too went un-used because the demand wasn't there.

    Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, commander of U.S. 2nd Fleet and Maritime Component Element-East, said the Comfort would continue to assist in the fight against the pandemic.

    “USNS Comfort arrived in New York City to provide relief to frontline healthcare providers, and each patient who was brought aboard ensured one more bed was available in a local hospital,” he said.

    “While the ship is departing New York City, make no mistake, the fight is not over, and we stand ready to support the response to COVID-19 in whatever capacity we are needed.”

    The ship docked in Manhattan on March 30, and while it was originally deployed to care for non-coronavirus patients, by April 6 it had begun accepting those with the virus as the city’s hospitals continued to crowd.
    Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, commander of U.S. 2nd Fleet and Maritime Component Element-East, said the Comfort would continue to assist in the fight against the pandemic."
    Comfort came into NY Harbor on March 30 with orders to treat only non-Covid patients. It was pressed into service for Covid patients on April 6, but only a part of the 1,000 bed ship were made available. In the end it treated only 182 patients as they weren't prepared for it and by April 26th when they left NYC was turning the corner (no thanks to the federal government). Even though their contribution was relatively small NY is grateful for their help.
    The amount of people that acquired COVID in NY State has everything to do with how many people from other states and countries that were traveling to and from NY, AND the population density, more than anything other factor combined.

    Absolutely, and the difference in rate of transmission between 200 people crammed into a subway car with no masks and 200 people crammed into the Elbow Room without masks is what?
  15. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Our Greatest Sportsman having a think.

  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    My wife tested negative in early March, but we have no faith in that (nasal swab) test. She was deathly ill for 3 weeks with a fever of 103. She had her flu shot (and tested negative for flu), so we can only assume it was Covid. Our masks went on then and will continue to be on when in public until a vaccine is found. As for claiming it doesn't exist because someone doesn't personally know anyone with it, it's like gamblers. Loud till they get it and then they just sort of disappear when their luck runs out. Some people still deny that the World Trade Center was attacked, the Holocaust and that man landed on the moon because they weren't there to see it. Good for them is all I can say.
  17. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    That’s the point I m tying to make. Many people have been infected and either remained non symptomatic or showed very mild symptoms like you.
  18. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I just heard about a 35 year old former crew of us who died a few days ago. China-19 related. He was a free lance bar tender, out of work for 2 months, no unemployment... no money left... didn’t reach for help and OD on pills and booze. I wonder how many have done the same.... we ll never know.

    Some people still deny this happens because this is not part of the media narrative.
  19. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Florida is only counting residents, not tourists or snowbirds. Some people feel that giving a truthful number of those infected or dying from the Trump Virus makes them look bad politically. They're also not counting those who die of other causes like cancer or heart attack because they can't get treatment (or suicide). No way, no how do I plan to go to a hospital if I catch it. I'm high risk. So catching it will probably mean my death anyway. I don't intend to spend my last days or weeks with a tube shoved down my throat surrounded by strangers in space suits and no contact with my loved ones.
  20. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    That, sadly, is going to be a long speach nobody in Washington will be willing to espouse.
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