I cruised extensively in the 65 to 75 percent load range. Effortless and efficient. I do think you've got some room to tweak the props a hair. But as most have stated, lots of weight yet to add, it would seem. Those engines are sweethearts.
Finished the second and final day of trials yesterday with CAT. All still running really well. CAT had zero recommendations and said don't change anything. Now it is on to finishing up the punch list and restoring the last few systems that need finishing up. We will also make some final tweeks on the Smart Command to get it dialed in where we want it. I couldn't be happier ....and the last time I saw the boat the engine room was bare
What was your initial cruise speed and WOT speed with the Detroits? I know it's in this thread, but the thread is quite long to search for it at this point.
WOT was 30 kns. I think I saw 31 once, with the tide, wind and going down hill I never had enough confidence in the Detriot's to cruise at 80% load. Typical cruise I did was 1850 which was 74% load and we made right about 19-20 kns burning 84/gals hour.
So you gained quite a bit of speed with the same or less fuel burn. Both a win win and attributed to the lighter weight of the engines and newer technology. 30% gain in speed at cruise is a very good thing. 12-15% WOT. You might gain more speed at cruise by putting the next larger strip in the Veems (more cup), but I wonder if it's worth it.
I think it is too early to tell if I will adjust the props. I want to get all the weight back on and get some hours behind us and log some data. I also know they did not run with full tabs down at 80% cruise and higher. They said they found a nice sweet spot and left them there. So I need to play around with that too before any consideration of changes. I wouldn't do anything until next haul out anyway. Besides, I'm already looking for a place to put a Gyro so that would add quite a bit of weight of I do it.
Judging by my experience running a lot of SF, given your 34 knot WOT, your 26 knot cruise is low and should be a bit closer in speed to WOT.....usually you'll see 28 knot cruise/34 knot wot........so I think playing with trim tabs at cruise, you'll get more speed out of her at 80% as well as RPM. Generally with a 2360 WOT, C 18 acerts will be at 2050-2100 rpms at 80% from my experience with them (granted every hull is a little different). Your numbers are very good now as far as RPM goes, better to be a little under propped than over-propped. A Seakeeper 9 weighs around 900lbs and of course depends on where you put it. It's also popular to go with 2 smaller units on outbound sides of the engine room forward of the engines on SF.
I couldn't agree more. That's exactly what I would do in your boots, even if the numbers would have shown the need for some more substantial ironing. But based on what you told us, I can perfectly see why the Cat technicians suggested you to not change anything. Such remarkable numbers upon the first seatrial after a full repower are unheard of, congratulations for an outstanding job!
Just remember that the CAT dealer has his best interest in mind and will gladly approve an install that has a significant cushion or margin. This cushion or margin is an opportunity for optimization from an owners perspective while still maintaining a proper warranty situation. Agree that this process can take place in the first year of ownership as the vessel gets all things in order.
Yes, CAT is. of course. looking out for CAT. So the flip side of this is if they weren't 100% happy it is easy for them to demand changes. It's no skin off their nose to tell me to re-pitch props or change something. And given I bought the longest, most comprehensive warranty they offer they should be motivated to ensure everything is well within spec which clearly we are. And yes, PB you are correct, there is a spec range here. They told me what the max RPM at WOT was to be in spec but I don't recall what it was exactly. I'll ask when I speak to them again next week. I think it was close to 2400, I seem to recall them mnetioning 2390 but can't say for certain. I'm really happy we took the time (and expense) to do a first-class install. I had two CAT Techs there, one was their most Sr Tech and their supervisor came too. As mentioned before, I'm sure glad we have aa good business relationship with this CAT dealer. They have been fantastic to work with thus far. I'll report back once I log more date and ensure all the weight is back on the boat. For now, we are working to get the rest of the systems tested and restored. The long pole in the tent right now is refrigeration. The new compressor for the cockpit freezer should arrive Tuesday or Wednesday. We also have to finish wiring up the galley refer controls. Both of these compressors sit next to each other in the aft, port corner of the engine room. The whole system was a modification done before we had the boat. The wiring simply was not up to our standards. Because of the location, we couldn't do much with this until now. So new boxes going in, getting rid of any wire nuts or similar improper connections. We will have home run feeds from the main panel and everything will land on an appropriate terminal strip. The last bank of new LED lights is still left to finish up. We also have some work remaining on the Fireboy system. Getting the shutdown circuits to the gens and finalizing the heat detectors. Now that we have a few hours on everything we will also go back through and put a wrench on every hose connector, re-torque every clamp, and check everything again. Still have to fire up the new watermaker too. And the last thing to do is finish the installation of the 4 new E/R cameras. For now, these will display via the Simrad screens. I'm hoping to find a dedicated screen I can use in the near future and not have these tied into the Simrad system. I may look at the GHOST system or comparable but just couldn't get this done with everything else happening.
Just add an additional Simrad screen for the camera's. Would be the easiest, plus you can use it for anything else on your existing Simrad network.
I ran my numerous cameras through a simple Lorex security DVD. I send that signal out through a HDMI hub and make it available to TV's throughout the boat as well as at the helms. Also plumb the HDMI out of my Raymarine master into an HDMI switch so that the nav info can be viewed throughout the boat. I keep the transom camera on the Ray system for easy access when docking. The Lorex helps me consolidate and broadcast the cameras while also giving me a 30 day backup video to anything that may go wrong.
What he said. There are other similar systems as well, Don't think you need to be attached to the MFD provided camera's.
I want to be able to pull up camera view when I’m not on the boat via my phone, iPad or computer. SIMRAD doesn’t offer web connectivity. Doesn’t sound like Lorax does that either?
Lorex will connect to a network via Ethernet and allow access, yes. You’ll need a network aboard and then ship to shore wifi connectivity. Then you’ll need to keep up with the IP address...but all is
The punch list is getting much shorter with progress every day. All the new LED lights working great. Galley refrigeration up and running since late last week and seems fine. Carpet install now 100% including the new removable snap-in runner going from cockpit door to stairs down to staterooms and heads. Still working some final electrical items including the remaining Fireboy shut downs to gens, installing emergency DC lights in E/R and replacing bulbs in Nav lights and similar. Unfortunately, when testing new water maker we discovered the membrane appears to have freeze damage from when it was shipped to us back in November. Both end caps on the membrane are cracked. A new membrane assembly is on the way and expected to arrive tomorrow. We managed to get everything else tested on the water maker by simply bypassing the membrane so at least we know everything else appears to be functioning as it should. Pretty quick and easy to install the new membrane once it arrives. Still waiting for the replacement compressor for the cockpit freezer. Hopefully it arrives and gets installed this week. Other than that the sounds like biggest issue is cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. I'm still on track to fly up Wednesday late to see her for the first time since items starting getting installed. Planning to give her a thorough shakedown this weekend.
I arrived in Ketchikan Wednesday evening. Got on the boat about 8 pm. 48+ hrs later and I still can’t get the smile off my face. Everything looks fantastic. Took the boat out this afternoon for the first time for a few hours. Smile even bigger now. Holy cow what a difference!!❤️❤️❤️ The exhaust sound is quieter, the mechanical noise from the engines is louder as expected. Overall I would say similar sound level, likely just a bit quieter. But everything else is night and day. Playing around with the tabs we hit 27.5 knots at 78% load burning 42 gal/hr each. This was with the current. So maybe a little less but I’m thrilled. At 74% load was running 24.5 knots burning 32 gals/hr each side. Previous engines at 74% load was 42 gal/hr per side at best around 20 knots, usually less. The throttle up experience is unbelievable. Even with just a smooth steady applying throttle she feels like she wants to leap out of the water. I’m loving the ZF Smart Command controls too. Takes a little getting used to but they are great. The features are fantastic. I still need to find the right programming for the Easidock feature though as I don’t like it currently. But the troll mode is fantastic. I couldn’t be happier. Heading out tomorrow for a 2 day fishing trip about 50 miles away. Can’t wait