And water pumps! Just replaced it on the fresh side with a high capacity for $92!!! $300 plus from detroit
Coolant side...the one that looks like a small turbo...haldex makes/refurbishes them...napa drive...mine is in front of the blower
Yes ok, I believe you talked about this in a different post. To late for me , I replaced mine three years ago, got mine from J&T around $300 plus or so. It's Ok I like paying more … Think I need to print out this post and add it to my DD service book for a reminder in the future.
Hey CR, I just got NAPA 75118 today at my store. They still carry it. Not sure if you know. That Rep was wrong.
Glad to hear it. Think I found a cheaper source for CF2. May be temporary with the recent economy but I had to go for it since I'm changing the oil my my clutches also. Every penny ad up when you try to retire.
Darn and other foul gibberish. Your purchasing cheaper that I can from NAPA. However, My new lead has Shell 40w/CF2 cheaper than that, F M (F Magic). Again, I have to state; May be temporary with the recent economy... Oil and fuel prices are all over the page. I'm not sure anybody has a clue. It will be the jobber supplier who may well survive this mess just by moving any product at any price. At least cash is flowing. A point one of my suppliers does not share with me and hold a firm hold of their ware house with nothing on hand moving. ,,, I fear,, They will not survive this mess.. In the mean time, This and other suppliers are firm on their price from last years catalogue prices. I feel for them and wish them well. Splash and die will be their mantra.