What you mean by Bosh Dealer ? I have Motronica System on the Azimut boat.. Bosch makes same systems ?
We need to be sure of the item talked about. Bosch produces Motronic. Motronica is an unrelated company. Now what is on the Azimut? I have no idea so will leave that to the rest of you.
I have Motronica Alarm System on my boat not motronic this is the problem. No one knows how to fix it or where to buy the parts... picture of the cream. Bella
What is the problem with the system? These parts can only be purchased from azimut directly. Generally there will be multiple control boxes linked together via can bus. These boxes are custom programmed to order.
Motronica is an active company. If Marine Max and Azimut don't help you, I'd try them directly. https://www.motronica.com/
They are a active company however they don’t directly deal with 3rd party customers and I/o components are not programmed by motronica they are programmed by end user
But you indicated you were looking for parts, you didn't say programming, and they would be the source for the parts, even if they directed you to someone else to buy them from. I think they would assist you at least in gaining part numbers. Now, as to programming, good luck, because I can't imagine who would help you there, but I hope someone.
Thank you for that picture l. It’s a first schematic I got from anyone so far. Anyway I can call you or something ? Looks like you are familiar with Motronica.
I can’t do anything with the Motronica System open roof, check black water level etc. I have bunch of errors which I can’t clear. I think the part which is the keyboard with Rs232 is bad because when I’m plugin this one in codes are appearing, and I can’t go to programming etc.Any thoughts ?I may be wrong, but I already checked everything 100 times
Did you try the "+39.010...." number which is on their website? I am Italian and I have no problem at all to ring them and check if/what they can do for you using the same language, which usually helps. Maybe they were just closed for some time due to the lockdown, but if so they should re-open next Monday. But of course, if they don't answer there's not much I can do, either. Also because they are based in Genoa, which is pretty far from where I am.
39.010.61422.75 This is the number I tried. I also sent them couple emails to contact me, but no response at all I’m not sure why....Thank you for trying to help
Any chance you have this diagram for s62 boat or they are the same? Btw how did you find this I was looking everywhere for some info, and there is nothing online