I have to dig up where I found them. If I can find the data; Penny's price of Sam's. I'm still working on my boat. Working on your own boat always feels good and sun down always comes earlier. The ET is always sweeter. Going back up to secure das boot. Old beast server is running with minimum smoke. Raid is safe and in good health. Almost 500 gig in raid 5. 20 year old technology and solid as a rock. How could anybody dream of canning XP. Win 10 Will not support the Raid controller.
Try snooping around on line At; Newark element 14. They have lots of electrical meters ,breakers , and parts etc. that are hard to fine maybe you can find your meters there I got some hard to fine circuit breakers for my 1981 Ocean yacht from there they fit right in and work great everyone else said you could never find them and they weren’t made anymore but that was not true. this was a year or two ago. .
Found the pictures. The Hatteras used Omega displays. LCD with green connects on the back but different sized. Sorry, not a match. Is there a mfg or brand on the panel itself? Somebody put it together.
https://www.omega.com/en-us/resources/panel-meters http://www.jewellinstruments.com/meters-and-avionics/panel-meters/digital-meters-product-list/ http://www.newportus.com/
Why not upgrade to modern meters? Yes you may have to tweak the panels a little but worth it. I have installed Blueseas LED multimeters on my boat (hatt, sorry...) and love them. They scroll thru V, Hz, Amp and Watts in big readable red LED displays and have built in alarms. Can be read across the salon... Being able to read freq is great to make sure the genny is running at the right rpm
Wonder just what the original meter's failure is? Are they repairable? Try Max in Liquordale. https://maxmarineelectronics.com/
Did you ever find a direct replacement - the volt meter in my '98 needs replacing also. In the mean time, Ive been using one of those unreliable electrical outlet plug ins.
The closest I could find is coming from. Hoyt Meters and I’m hoping with a little bit of modification I will be able to use The bezels that are there I’m going to try one first and if it fits in the way I like it I will order the rest of them and I will post pictures I went to all the websites that everyone here had posted Who would’ve thought it would’ve been that difficult to replace a couple meters I will post pictures hopefully with the meters in place
Some of the photos were not in order but you can see the original panel meter I took it apart by little screws in the back and inserted the new panel meter I just had to file the corners just a little bit so it fits snug then I put a piece of quarter inch foam on the top and the bottom to fill in the gap between the original housing in the new panel meter and reassembled everything the panel meters came from Hoyt meters in New Hampshire hopefully this will help anyone else that needs to replace these meters I will be ordering one more voltmeter tomorrow into amp meters
Please make a mini manual for dummies (boaters) with contact info and part numbers. Maybe even a new thread with a pointer from this thread. Even better than curing the common cold, Old Post owners can really use this. Great work. Post kids are cool. ,Ralph