A senior member with nearly 5000 posts... asking what boat this is... Are we being punked? Is there a candid camera around here?
Clearly he is doing so. He may run the risk of a moderator who has intimate knowledge deciding it's not funny and putting him in time out.
Right, she was delivered last summer, here she is in my home town in the Stockholm Archipelago. This summer we will deliver #5 to the Med and she is planned to be at the Monaco Yacht Show, Sept 23-26.
Long-running thread documenting the work of YF moderator "AMG" on the Delta line of boats from Sweden... https://www.yachtforums.com/threads/welcome-delta-powerboats.19764/
Hey, aren’t we all entitled to have a biden moment ? Thanks guys. I knew she looked familiar but I was too lazy to search .
I happened to pass a Delta 88 cruising slowly down Narragansett Bay late last summer. As I came abreast of it in my center console, the helmsperson put down the throttle and the Delta took off. Very good turn of speed for an 88-footer, and it looked terrific underway.
There is no connection between the companies, Axopar is a pretty new brand, perhaps a little inspired by Delta Powerboats and so far just with smaller outboard boats.
Outstanding styling and choice of coating colors. IMHO, a fine match of conservative with just a bit of edge. Also, the traditionalist in me is glad to see Capt Ralph calling a stem a stem. Pascal, an occasional Biden moment is no big deal - it is only when you forget what you said last week, lie about it, and blame someone else need you begin to worry. (insert smiley face here)
You been smoking crack Pascal? After 15 years on Yachtforums we all know the Delta style very well, they stand out like the Swedish Bikini Team at a redneck ball game. As for Axopar: They are designed in Finland and built in Poland with cheap labor. I looked very hard at a 28’ Axopar 3 years ago, the Minimalist contemporary styling talked to me, so did the single 300 hp outboard, but I declined for a couple of reasons. Happy to see the Delta line is expanding, but they are pretty rare around here, even Pascal had to ask.
Re: Axopar... I always thought they lacked sufficient freeboard for an axe bow boat? In certain seas, those two attributes don't work well together.
I know: I was looking for an easy/fast Bahamas sled and Axopar promised a Magic Carpet Ride: Looks good on the videos on Lakes and protected bays: Go fast and jump over the chop in style.. In real life crossing the GS I did not see this one as a candidate except for the 3-4 perfect days per year. Probably a great boat for the ICW and Biscayne Bay. Bought a Glacier Bay 2770 instead and journeyed to the Keys and to the Bahamas, but not impressed with the crossing on this boat either: Rolling too much, not a Magic Carpet ride either, despite the hype. Ended up with an Albin 28TE, quite a bit more sea-worthy than the above 2 candidates. Back to topic: Contemporary styling and a Delta boats: Lars, How about a modern 28-30’ all around play/work boat that is comfy enough to live on for a week or two and can handle snotty conditions if needed? Also low maintenance with a single diesel and easy access to all points/systems needing routine maintenance. (Filters, zincs, sea cocks, batteries, etc, etc.) Thx, standing by with my check book.
Hi, of course we have your boat; https://www.deltapowerboats.se//290-sw/ The layout is a little different from most boats this size, but the owners love it and many think it is our best sea boat...
Wow, pretty slick there Lars, but top speed 47 Knots? Too much high performance and high maintenance fancy diesel motor. Between Florida and the Bahamas, with that size boat, 15-18 knots. Too much power for offshore: A lake boat could max out at 47 once in a while, but not in my back yard between Florida and the Bahamas, usually rough, occasionally nice. Crossed many times and never impressed, always windy or wavy.
If you are alone onboard, you can cruise at 30 knots in almost any sea. You are driving far back, but with passengers who are forward of you, I guess 20 knots is better.