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luhrs 38 40 rod holder

Discussion in 'Luhrs Yacht' started by Bucksh0t, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. Bucksh0t

    Bucksh0t Member

    Mar 18, 2018
    Morehead City NC
    Has anyone added a rod holder to the small space between the kill box lid and the transom door? I do not think i would be able to reach up from the bilge to put on the backing plate, washers and nuts. I am guessing that a hatch plate may be added inside the transom door area to give access.
    rodholder20180826_065013 (1).jpg
  2. Josh Keeran

    Josh Keeran Member

    Feb 10, 2020
    My 36 has one there. I do not know if it was factory or added by a previous owner. There is no way to access the back side. I do not have a ton of trust in it not knowing how it was installed. It also does not match the others so I am just assuming it is only mounted with self tapping screws and HOPEFULLY sealed properly
  3. mwwhit1

    mwwhit1 Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2006
    Seems like the biggest challenge may be the bottom of the holder hitting that angled inside wall? May not be able to be mounted facing aft fully? A vertical holder with no angle would be easier to guestimate where to drill. Hate to see you drill a large angled hole to find out it hits below and you have to try and move the hole. Best of luck.
  4. Bucksh0t

    Bucksh0t Member

    Mar 18, 2018
    Morehead City NC
    I can see up from the bilge just enough to see that it is fairly open space. I will probably install a 15 degree swivel rod holder. My new thought would be to add a pocket mounted wash down hose on the wall inside the transom wall opening. This would give me access to the underside of the rod holder and give me a functioning extra wash down.
    I hope to knock this out soon. I will take pics for others to see the install.