Out of pure curiosity, I started to compile a list of the 177 54' Berts that were built prior to 1992. I have found 89 thus far and get most of my leads looking at Yacht World and the other on line brokers. I verify the HIN number when I get a name. I'm asking if any of you know the name of a 54' in your area to please let me know. several of these boats listed for sale don't have names listed or shown in the pictures. Thanks!
Hi in Trinidad they had 4, well 3 now the 3 that are still afloat are, serenity, equity, and sticks up, and the 4th one named Screaming Eagle caught fire and sank about 2 years ago. I dont know the exact years but I do know that they are all pre 1992. good luck with your search Greg
I've got Hull ID BERS0541M83L Fantastic Voyage, North Beach MD Like to see the list if you want to share it. Mike
I'd give you the Hull ID to my 1988 54' but I cant find it, and to think I had it right on my desk until just the other day.... In any case, my 54' is named Edda G. in San Juan, Puerto Rico. other pre 1992 54's in Puerto Rico include: Master Printers: 1985 I think. Lourdemar: 1988 Hull #3 is also here, but I cant remember the name. It was owned by 2 friends of mine. First owner named it Carolyn, second owner named it Naty. As far as I know, there are 2 pre 1992's sunk around Puerto Rico(possibly more). One was a 1990 I think called Ocean Eagle, which sank maybe 10 or so years ago in a fishing tournament at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. There other I'm not sure, I just know it sunk because a salvage crew sold me the props. There are plenty more 54' bertrams here, but I either don't know the names or the exact year.
1982 54 bERTRAM I recently (5/10) bought 1982 54 Bertram S/F named "DOLPHIN" for the last 29 years. She is a 12v71TI (800 hp) powered boat with tower. We are doing some cosmetic and mechanical updating to her at the present time. She is a great running, beautiful example of the breed. Will post photos soon.
congrats on the purchase! your HIN number is BERS0516M8, she's a 1982 model and was originally listed at 250K. you got a steal! be happy to answer any questions you may have as you go through the renovation process. good luck with her! Tom
Hello! I just bought a Bertram 54 1990 here in Puerto Rico, its name was NECO with 12v92. I've just changed the name to AG ONE. I have the hull # in my office I will post it later. Next week is going out of the water for mayor work. I think there are like 2 more here at Marina Puerto Del Rey I'll check the names and I'll post them soon. Arturo
I stopped at Green Point Landing Marina - Manasquan NJ for fuel ... admired the new "Big Boy" ... a Spencer 63? ... The Captain of the Spencer said his previous and wonderful previous boat was a Bertram 54 also named "Big Boy". Mike
Yes, I bought her. The broker was less than honest about the history. The former owner passed away approximately 15 months ago and the listing he used was from a listing when she was for sale in 1997. That being said. She was an excellent deal. I worked on her for five days and then brought her up the ICW into Georgia. We had zero problems and she ran like a top. I couldn't be happier with her. Can't say the same about the broker. Oh well.
If you had zero problems and the boat runs great after doing 5 days of work on a boat that's 20 years old, what did the broker lie about?
Classic 54 BERTS I own a '85 named HOT SAUCE. I bought the boat in 2008. Home port Houston Texas. I keep the boat in Miami. Previous owners were; 1st a doctor from Puerto Rico (SEA DANCER), 2nd Jon Gonsulin from Houma Louisiana (DONE DEAL), 3rd Edgar Artecona from Texas (SEA-N-SEA). The original Archie's Invader owned by Archie Lowery is at Glass Tech (Nelson Fernandez) in Miami. The previous owner opened the salon into a "Day" boat configuration. She has been gutted of all equipment, wiring, etc. and is open to the weather. Nothing left but the hull. The current name on the transom is INVADER. The hull is for sale. I'm also interested in the classic 54's and would like to be able to review your findings.
I own a 1988 Bertram 54 with 1292 power. Hull ID: BERS0636F788. I purchased the boat in 2016 it's previous name was TEERAK, I changed the name to Tranquilo. The boat is located in Newport Beach Southern California. There are several other 54's in Newport that are pre 90's boats.
I have a 54 1985 bertram. was called Bar non when I purchased it in 2019 it name now is Chicago Girl located in Tarpon Springs Fl. Undergone a $350,000 + refit 2020.