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Chiller help

Discussion in 'HVAC' started by Seasmaster, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. Seasmaster

    Seasmaster Senior Member

    May 25, 2016

    Without really getting down to the nitty gritty, the GF product being pre-insulated rocks. But, I'd be concerned with the flow diameter. The boat came with Hep2O piping, and as noted on one of my previous posts, when the T's, Elbows, and other fittings are connected, there is a flow restriction because of the sleeving. Also, copper has less flow restriction, and with 200 feet of piping in the boat, that friction was a consideration. . .

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  2. Seasmaster

    Seasmaster Senior Member

    May 25, 2016
    With the caveat that ALL BOATS ARE COMPROMISES, I'd have to agree with some of what you said, and disagree with some of what you said. . . o_O

    Yeah, my system appears to be a turd-but only on the install (I speak only of installation, not the system. And the reason for that is because I'm not educated enough on features/benefits of split systems vs chillers, vs stand-alone. However, had the install be done correctly, I believe it would still be rock'n & roll'n. The AC tech, who was swearing and cursing during the install, saying it's crazy (basically corroborating your opinion) has had a come-to-Jesus epiphany and is swearing about how good it is with function. The boat cools off much faster than he expected, and in the most recent cold, heats up quickly too. He also is "onboard" with the variable chiller. When it cycles on, it runs at fractional speed, instead of "all on" or "all off".

    My boat does not exhibit the symptom you describe, as it has an automatic transfer relay which, when the hen-set is running, cycles to generator. Since I've owned the boat, with the shore-power plug connected, the hen-set can be started, and after reading running speed, the relays transfer the load. Is this ABYC standard? Don't know. At survey in 2016 when I bought the vessel, the surveyor did not make notice.

    Simply strange boat:
    Ok. You're right. It doesn't have a fly-bridge, really wide decks, or a fishing platform on the back deck. It IS however, an EU
    A Class A yacht ( boat ) is a vessel that is built to navigate the open ocean and surpass a force 8 on the Beaufort scale and surpass waves higher that 4 meters. These yachts are constructed to be self sufficient in hostile seas. There are not too many 49 footers that will do that. And how many of ANY yacht can withstand a roll-over. True, I'm not willing to test that theory having spent 23 years sailing deep-sea in the US merchant fleet. But should I decide to take my stupid pill and venture out, I'm pretty comfortable with the sea-worthiness. . . ;) That freeboard aft that you object to; I consider a positive.

    When I first boarded the boat at the Palm Beach boat show in 2016, after visiting the Flemings, Krogens, and maybe a Nordhaven and Selene there, my initial reaction after I went below was, "This is the biggest 50 footer I've seen down below". Headroom wasn't a problem, room to sleep 6, and two heads with fully galley, dishwasher, and washer/dryer. Built for sea, not the marina. . . Ok, truth be known, I'm still "under the ether" with the layout.:)

    I'll disagree on the narrowness of the walkway fwd. If I can walk normally on a boat, as I would on the street, instead of trying to walk on a 2 x 4 I-beam, I call it a good day.

    The Elling looks stout, it is. It's getting lots of "good looks" at the marina, 'cuz it doesn't look like a (fill in the blank).

    At the end of the day, I gotta side with JW and her review of the vessel. She was spot-on. But I don't want you to feel invalided Capn J. I still read your opinions!!! Oh, and value your input too!!:D:D:cool:;)

    And would I buy another one. . . only after I ream the builder, and ask what he's doing differently in the current model year!!
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Well that’s the problem. You need to make sure the drains will drain underway with the bow higher than at rest

    also the issue with multiple drains in a pan is that when (not if) they clog you can’t blow thru the hose to clear the clog because air goes the clear drain

    Drives me nuts. We have this issue with the saloon AH on the lazzara 84 I run along with the galley AH in the ceiling.

    saloon AH should have plenty of slope but still sometimes in rough water it leaks out over some of the entertainment system...

    Galley - skylounge we have 4 AH draining into a single hose. I ended up putting valves on each AH so I could either shop vac or blow air separately.
    Ain’t rocket science. Eventually you ll get some slime in there and it will clog
  4. Seasmaster

    Seasmaster Senior Member

    May 25, 2016

    Good to know. The tech was opining with the multiple drain lines, that since many face aft, the pans would drain; and when the boat surfs, the water would go fwd into that drain. . But some of the runs under the deck approximate what you referred to in your #135 post.

    I guess the thing to do is plan on pouring some hot water down the lines at regular intervals to flush slime.
  5. Eddie Jaimes

    Eddie Jaimes New Member

    Jan 30, 2020
    Maitland, FL
    I have a VARC48 that has a leak somewhere, it will hold charge for 1-2 hours.. the unit was on a 2016 Fairline targa, I also have the dometic ( non touch) controller), I will sell for 2500$ shipped if you are interested for parts ( compressor,board, controller and VFD are all working properly), you could take apart and kepp all the spare and trow away the condenser ( were the leak is suspected to be)
  6. Seasmaster

    Seasmaster Senior Member

    May 25, 2016
    Thanks, but no. I'm still happy with mine. . [but now I'm worried! LOL]

    Did you contact Dometic about it, and if "yes", what did they have to say?
  7. Eddie Jaimes

    Eddie Jaimes New Member

    Jan 30, 2020
    Maitland, FL
    Is a great unit, no worry.. but like everything new it has soo much tech stuff.. im the second owner of the boat, boat is a 2016, bought new in 2017, the original unit was replaced under warranty( don't know the reason) so this unit is 2 years old) because it was warranty replacement, the warranty date starts from the first unit so no luck.. they claim it was acid wash that damaged the unit.. boat has 450 hours .. the chiller is very economic to run.. just be careful with the voltage, it has a a corel driver that does not like unstable power..sometimes it will trow a voltage code and freeze up.. we reset the breaker and all good. We ended ip with a flagship marine ( very basic ) but reliable.
  8. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Home Depot has ac drain pan tablets that work well for algae slime.
  9. Oscarvan

    Oscarvan Senior Member

    Nov 10, 2015
    Chesapeake Bay
  10. Seasmaster

    Seasmaster Senior Member

    May 25, 2016
    Cool. Thanks. Now clean lines and peppermint breath!!! No more "boat-funk" odor!! LOL
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Going to try it. Smell isn’t a problem it s the slime that grows in the lines that don’t have enough slope.
  12. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    To avoid flow restrictions I oversized by one size. I cannot think of a better way of handling this flow, at least through the engine room. Fortunately I was able to run my mains and returns down each side of the boat, shifting to insulated hose to feed the air handlers. So darn efficient, that's why I'm contemplating the installation of a new primary chiller running on DC, using it to run more often and maintaining the glycol loop under most conditions where the AC units tend to short cycle. The DC unit should stop that short cycling, or at least minimize it, but also become somewhat sacrificial in extending the lifetimes of the AC units.
  13. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach

    I've designed and built a hose with a cone tip on it for attachment to an air line I can run from the compressed air system aboard to blow out these drains each time I clear the air filters. I'm also wondering if there isn't a tablet to add to the tray to help keep that slime issue to a minimum. Clearing those drains is a pain the ass. New tool really helps.
  14. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach

    Yeah, I'm going to give these a shot. Don't really understand why someone would want to pay more for a two-pack order versus buying two packs, $9.95 versus $9.50? Odd. They need to rethink that "sale".
  15. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Have been using the ac pan tablets since last spring with no clogging issues, they appear to work. Put two in the pans every 6 to 8 weeks.
  16. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    Thank you. I've ordered with a plan to place one at each drain, which for me is two per pan.
  17. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    My pans have two drains too. The only way I can clean the lines is to disconnect the Y connector from the single main hose and use a small wet vac. A real pain, stumbled up on those pan tablets at Home Depot, hopefully a long term easy fix. Also thought about pouring some 50/50 vinegar in the pan occasionally, works on shower drains and such.
  18. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I just cleaned a totally clogged drain on an a/c unit today that had Pan Cor tablets in the drain pan...….line was full of algae. White vinegar periodically tends to do a better job IMO.
  19. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Thanks for that info. Were the pan tablets not dissolving?
  20. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale

    They have been in there a long time, they were dissolving, but the pan has 2 drains and doesn't really hold any water...….I can tell you the drain line was totally clogged with algae.