Just looking for some advice regarding a few snaps that pulled out of the fiberglass for my cockpit cover. Looking for the best way to fix this issue. Was thinking about putting them back with 3m 5200. Is this a good way. If so should I fill the hole with 5200 let it dry and then re drill it or just put the snap and with 5200 at the same time.
Your canvas shop can help you with new snaps with a slightly larger screw. A dab of lightly thickened epoxy would be my next try. 5200 a distant 3rd.
I'd go for and have done the repair with Marine-Tex. Sometimes that larger diameter screw stresses the surrounding gelcoat?
You can’t drill 5200. Full the holes with marinetex or thickened epoxy, let it cure and drill again. Or if the holes aren’t way too big screw the snaps in the wet epoxy.
Remember to lube the snaps on the canvas after you make the repair. There is only one moving part, the wire ring inside the snap on the canvas. Chap Stick or snap lube works well.
Grab a two pack of west syringes , cut the tip off part way to make it just stightly smaller than the hole . Fill the syringe with marine tex or west system g-flex and squeeze it into the hole , smooth over with a plastic west system stirring stick. Or your finger . Re drill the hole . Lube the snap and all the snaps with Vaseline or Carmex or super lube ...just a light dab .