What is your opinion on price? Im under contract to close on a 2011 58 azimut by 1/30/2020 fresh water boat my price 620k 1450hrs on MANs will cost me additional 25k to deliver to south florida good condition. kept in heated storage over winter link here https://www.**************/boats/2011/azimut-58-flybridge-3574390/ im under a lot of pressure to close fast from the brokers, who say the deal will go fast if i dont take it. thoughts?
If you have a signed contract you re under no pressure as they can’t sell the boat. Especially a boat up in Michigan at this time of the year... Have you done a survey yet? Have you seen maintenance records for the Man$ ? Make sure all service is up to date. Can you even do a sea trial up there at this time of the year?
Can you seatrial and survey? I doubt it, so therefore the boat isn't selling until spring when it can be launched to seatrial and survey it. Basically the boat isn't going anywhere until May. It will cost a lot more than $25k to get it to South Florida, unless you are running it yourself. Even then it will cost more than that. I'd guess about double for a Capt/mate to bring it down, with fuel, dockage and everything else. Price does seem very very good on it compared to other listings. Has it had any damage? Have it surveyed extensively.
"im under a lot of pressure to close fast from the brokers, who say the deal will go fast if i dont take it." This doesn't make sense to me, if you have a signed contract. If you have a contract, then you probably agreed to a closing date, or at least to close within a specified period of time, or after certain contingencies such as sea-trial, survey, etc. And, if the contract is signed, the seller can't sell to someone else without breaking your contract, which your broker should know. Also, why are you asking about the appropriateness of a price that you apparently already agreed to? As I said, you're not making sense here.
A fully executed purchase agreement dictates the terms of sale. It should include specific timelines. Those would be the only timelines that matter. No “pressure” from any party can change it after the fact unless both parties agree to change it.
“I’m under contract” means you’ve signed the contract and your deposit is in the broker’s trust account. Is the “pressure” for you to sign the offer and put up a deposit? BoatWizard status does not show this boat pending sale. Status is available. MarineMax typically updates listing status immediately when they have a sale pending.
Seems to me top dollar for a 9 year old Azimuth, it should then be in top condition all the way around.
Search the ones for sale, same size, year range on yachtworld, I just did in the U.S.......they're all around $900-1 million. We have a poster with his first post, with a link to a boat that's drastically under priced, supposed to be under contract, but he doesn't know the contract details (closing date, etc.). It sounds a little fishy to me.
Sounds like marketing to me. Maybe seller needs this boat sold NOW and is dropping breadcrumbs in social media land. We've all seen those situations.
lol ... well, what are the odds the OP and the Azimut owner would be from the same place and be in the same business? As they are in this case.
Pascal, im flying in to MI this week. im told all the maintenance records are there. boat is in heated storage currently. ive talked to a surveyor and he can do a sea trial. owner is working on getting bridge open to the lake. we can time it for a low wind morning with winds out of the east. backup plan is seatrial in the river....slightly illegally since its a low speed zone for boats over 40ft im told, but we can prob get away with it for 5min just to get engines up to speed and check RPM.
Captainwjm, it wasnt an ideal time for me to go under contract. i didnt have time to really check it out first. supposedly i only had approx 2 weeks max in the year where we can still sea trial it. so i went under contract and sent in the 10% already to my broker. im supposed to give a final accept/reject by 17th, but im out of the country from 13th to 17th. i asked for an extension of time to close and it was denied, reason being that other buyers were interested. thats what i mean by rushed. i think its prob BS, since no one else can survey it anyway after the 17th anyway due to weather conditions.
Ive done a ton of reading on yachts and done a lot of homework, but this would be my 1st yacht purchase. so i was jumping on here to avoid making too many newbie mistakes, haha. current plan is to hire a local azimut surveyor out of fort lauderdale. apparently hard to find surveyors with much azimut experience in grand haven, MI. the problem with that is i need to set it up in advance, and i have no idea the weather conditions a week in advance. so im going to just take a guess at at weather based on weather and wind websites. fly in a reputable surveyor from fort lauderdale. he can do the survey while the boat is out of the water inside the storage. and then if weather permits, put it in the water. if he cant put it in the water, i will hire a local surveyor to watch the weather and run the boat on day that permits it. i dont have to be there for the seatrial, if it comes to that. i will just fly in and meet the 1st surveyor this week. and then fly out the next day.
the biggest issue is this. ill have to wait till april to move the boat. then it takes 2 or 3 weeks to run it down the river and to south florida. cost is about 30k ill end up with 200+ more hours on engines and it needing another scheduled maintenance already so by the time i factor in the costs, im not sure its even a good deal anymore for me.
its the cheapest new body style azimut by far on the market. there is a 2010 new body style 58 listed for 700k in south florida, but its not in the best shape, and doesnt have all the options this one had. an apparently this 2011 is in top shape. i received the high resolution photos
i put the closing date in my 1st post at the very top. 1/30/2020. let me know if there are other details i need to provide, thanks!
link to all the photos here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/xmba...Yw1j35NziSeaLkzP3Ga?dl=0&from_sync_modal=true