I’m planning (hopefully) to install the water maker in the stbd Laz forward of the removable fish box. This will make it inconvenient to access other than for maintenance. So I need a remote panel to handle all normal operations without needing to access the unit. And I like the concept of just turning it on or off with one button.
Modular or broadcasted components with a simple panel. Before you order your next R/O, open a new WaterMaker thread with your models of choice and let us eat up some more bandwidth and disk storage.
Good idea! Oh wait, I did that already . See thread titled Watermaker and ER Monitoring recommendations.
Ha Found it. Some good ideas in there already. Ah, I was in hospital during that thread and missed it when I got back home.
Sorry to hear you were ill. Hope all is well now. Didn’t mean to sound like a smart azz on my last post. Sorry.
Were better now. Thx. No S A found. Oh, What motor mounts are you using? Comes with Cat or your spec? I'm shopping for mounts and realized I have a lot to learn. All different from the old Ace mounts I'm used to.
I’m using the resilient mounts from CAT. They are part of the overall package and specd specifically for the C18s. If you want details I can ask them.
I was wondering if they offered you choices and offered 20 questions like I'm getting. Seems freq is a big spec in fancy mounts. Used to be just weight and thrust. Cat probably figured this for your motor. Looks like this weekend I'm on the net trying to find Modern motor mounts 101 for dummies.
Generally, I see motor mounts made/sold by the engine manufacturer on most of the boats I see...….Cat's have a CAT mount with a CAT part #, MAN the same.
Even though a motor mount may have a Caterpillar Marine part number doesn't mean that Cat made it. , All of Cats conical and resilient mounts are manufactured by Rubber Design and I would wager that 75% of all mounts out there on medium and high speed diesels are from the same company manufacturer (Rubber Design) as they pretty much have the market cornered.
I agree, but CAT deemed those mounts to be a good choice for their engines. Which takes the guesswork out of which brand/type/style of mounts to go with in a re-power.
Good news on the cutlass bearing, how did you work out the shaft length? Assuming double tapered with a new coupling? What are you doing about the exhaust mufflers ?
Yes, new couplings. Couplings include the commercial style keeper plate for the shaft. I’m buying the whole package (shafts, props, couplings,etc) from a reputable vendor we use all the time. I gave him the dimension from the trans output flange face to the aft edge of the strut. Gave him the new gear model and new output flange information and he worked up the “assembled” shaft dimension. Shafts will come already machined and blue fit to new props. We will do a quick blue fit to verify before final install. Currently planning to use existing water lift mufflers but haven’t spent much time on this yet and open to suggestions.
Not derailing either. Opened a new thread on my mount questions; https://www.yachtforums.com/threads/looking-for-better-dd-bertram-motor-mounts.32125/
They are under the cockpit in the Laz so no easier (or harder) now then another time. We’ll have a look at them and it is on my list to talk to CAT about alternatives. I would like to quite things down if not hugely expensive.
All the exhaust guys have done proven systems for the C18. Centek would offer a more reasonably priced solution : https://www.centekmarine.com/products/