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Replacement Windows and Framing

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by Capn.Morty, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. Capn.Morty

    Capn.Morty New Member

    Aug 14, 2007
    Grand Haven, MI (Great Lakes)
    :eek: Need some advise on the best way to proceed in replacing the Salon windows (not portholes) on my Roamer. When I rescued her from salvage last fall, I found tha nearly every piece of plate glass on her was cracked and/or in danger of falling out due to rot in the framing. I have removed most of the windows and rot, but now I face a dilemma - do I re-build the superstructure of the salon back to original, knowing that at some point the wood will probably rot again, or do I go with custom aluminum framed yacht windows and possible change the look of my roamer?
    Has anyone out there replaced thier windows with modern pre-hungs? If so how did it look? (leave a picture if you have one).
  2. artwork

    artwork Member

    Feb 19, 2006
    New windows

    I am a nostagic SOB .. . . until it comes to wood exteriors. And I've had a few. My vote is clearly FOR aluminum windows. You can get them with either radius corders or mitered corners. So try to match the originals as close as possible. OF course ther will be a frame on the exterior of the cabin but order them in white for the least visual impact.

    I just ordered and received 21 windows for about $5000. This included three Windshield units with 3/8 inch glass (disproportionately pricey). I think this was pretty reasonable.

    I would attach a pic, but this project boat is not for the faint of heart. You would have to sign a release before viewing. :eek:
  3. Shangri-La

    Shangri-La Senior Member

    May 15, 2006
    Pensaukee, WI
    I'm planning on replacing the windows and frames in my Roamer cabin. The wood frames around my cabin windows are starting to rot out too. Look at the Roamer in this link.
    These windows all look like they were replaced with aluminum window frames.
  4. Capn.Morty

    Capn.Morty New Member

    Aug 14, 2007
    Grand Haven, MI (Great Lakes)
    ARTWORK - Would you mind sharing with me the company you purchased your new windows from? Your price sounds a lot better then the quotes I've received so far!!!:eek:

    PS. Thanks for the photo Shangri-La. Wish changing the windows would make my Roamer look that good!!!! :p
  5. Shangri-La

    Shangri-La Senior Member

    May 15, 2006
    Pensaukee, WI
    Cap'n Morty and Artwork how's it coming on the replacement of your windows? That's a project I want to work on starting next spring when I get back up to Wisconsin along with some other projects. I found a place on the internet where I can get them made but I haven't checked on any prices yet. Artwork where did you get your's and do you like them?
  6. chriswufgator

    chriswufgator Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Jacksonville, Florida
    Just wanted to weigh in on this subject as well...

    My boat that I just bought is currently on the hard getting a bunch of deferred maintenance performed (thanks, previous owners!), and rather than continuing to sit by while it continues to leak and the rot spreads, I told the marina to open it all up, fabricate and replace whatever was rotted, and then re-seal everything and reinstall the glass.

    They are doing the port side salon windows (stbd doesn't ever seem to leak...not sure why), and the windows in the very front at the bench-seat. They are also going on "leak patrol" for a couple other leaks I found, one in the rear corner of the enclosed wheelhouse and another in the headliner right where the mast is attached.

    I know thanks to you guys that much of the leaking actually comes from the stupidly-designed drain tubes, so I will make sure to have those replaced as well.

    I will post the figures on what it cost me, in case anyone needs a baseline on what it takes to repair and replace what is there vs. simply putting in new windows. I am expecting a couple grand, but too early to tell yet.
  7. J Moore Lewy

    J Moore Lewy New Member

    Jul 28, 2019
    Does anyone have a supplier for these windows I am going to replace mine on my Steel 46 Roamer --Joy!
  8. lfhudson

    lfhudson New Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    I just purchased a 2004 Chris Craft Roamer 43. It is the express looking version of the Roamer. The previous owner did not take care of leaking windows and I have just torn out all the V berth in order to get to the windows. But I have run across a problem. There is a thick black border around the window on the inside with some type of screw spacer I have never seen. Has anyone seen this or know who to remove the windows on this version?
  9. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    I replaced my salon windows a couple of years ago. I worked with Waterway Systems out of Sarasota, FL. Very good to work with and a quality window. Chuck is the owner and does what he says.