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What would you build?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Teenna, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. Teenna

    Teenna New Member

    Jun 20, 2006
    Trinidad and Tobago
    Being wealthy as those guys building the biggest Luerssens Feadships and Oceancos, well what would you build?

    I would in such case re-examine the yacht in principle. This five diesel hi-speed does for me, a good custom paint job and 40+knots. And I have an olympic pool inside, a tennis court and a two level super cabin that opens on the sea. Not to mention all kinds of cars, hellicopters and a fantastic Buzzi 80 for a tender.

    And it costed me a fraction of a Luerssen.

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  2. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Very curious vessel. Searches of the usual spotter sites didn't turn up anything for ARMAS?

    Kelly Cook
  3. marcusra

    marcusra Member

    Aug 29, 2004
    A High speed monohull ferry!! We have some of that kind here in the baltic sea... Smaller than the other ferries but with a 30-35knot operating-speed Carries both cars and trucks and they also have quite much space for resturants and tax-free stores, and relax-facilitys (they don't need that many overnight-cabins for guests because of its few hours port to port) Parhaps this type also has a lower building-cost than the equal Twin-hull ferrys!?

    The one on the pics is not from the baltic though... maby from the brittish islands!? Hmmm But it Dosn't look to coold and rainy on the pic=)
  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    Because most buyers have budgets, not many have spent “real” time contemplating the question with unlimited funding. Yes, everyone dreams, but for those who begin the journey of turning them into reality, the myriad of details that follows takes every waking moment… and many months to assemble their ideas, wants and needs into a presentation for a designer/architect/builder. To compose all of them, here and now, would be a daunting task.

    I like your concept about re-examining the yacht principle. Even with the enormous diversity presently available, opportunity for change still exists. One example that comes to mind has been the Shadow vessels introduced in recent years. This had a few people re-evaluating what a yacht is. I think we can draw a similarity between this and the ship you’re referencing above, i.e. indoor pool, tennis court, multi-level suite and a major toy hauler as well. I can’t say I’m wild about 5 engines (it’s hard enough to stay after twins), but… 40 knots would be a nice protocol to start with. ;)

    The boat you’re alluding to (above) would be a conversion, so your question is a little contradictory about “what would you build”. Still, with larger vessels being contracted, it may be just a matter of time before someone goes the ferry route in search of size and speed. Austal just might have a private sector waiting in the wings. Of course, one could argue that you would encounter the same limitations of Rising Sun and Octopussy… no place to dock the darn things.

    There have been a number of threads on this subject. It sounds like you’re pretty well versed on yachts. Care to share some ideas? :)
  5. Teenna

    Teenna New Member

    Jun 20, 2006
    Trinidad and Tobago
    I understand what are you saying, Admin, and I agree that certain section of the market has already being/going there.

    No, but seriously, I was informed somewhere that one could contract an over 100meter 4o knots+ ferry for less than 50M$. This is ofcourse far from being a yacht, has no range and is purpose built. But using a platform and fresh ideas, pluging in another 20M$ like minimum one could achive a technically reliable and image wise something that is as weird as it is crazy as it is also fantastic.

    My thought is that if you give up the oceanic range, which many don't have anyway even declaring it for various reasons from stability to technical reliability, and if you really look for something special, this something special has been perhaps out there already. Like Triton here under.

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  6. TomTom

    TomTom Member

    Jun 3, 2005
    Hamburg, Germany
    Yacht concept, serious? - not so serious - ah...serious

    No limit, but less than Luerrsen (...and others)? hmmm.

    Looking from a pure visual point of view and reflecting some posts on this forums (white elephant and others) there are some options for slightly new concepts. But immediately reality of physics + economics rushes into every gap of such ideas.
    When i was forced to "create" a model of a 250'er MY (for an advertising use) there emerged some ideas - but allways with the big objection above it: Impossibile!

    Perhaps it helps to structure the thoughts a bit 'cause in most cases targets leads to action, wishes only lead to new targets. Your first post lookes as if you wished all the best of what is avaiable.
    Than the Duma-person did it right with the AIR. You can do that, too, that needs no new yacht-concepts.

    Ore shall the new one to build reflect and top the others that are allready shipping in Monaco/Ft. Lauderdale ...,? - i think that's the reason why the prices are climbing up to 2 Bill/m length. Again: no real new concept affordable. Take a construction team and do it!
    But it's obvious - if you and your shipyard would heave done it really good, someone
    takes his 6(?) yachts to Bloom & Voss, let glue them all together, drives in front of te new Mega-Megayacht - and nobody sees it anymore (and if someone does, he surely ignores that little can). ... ok, perhaps one can try to merry one of Mr. Putin's daughters and make some arrangements afterwards, but... talking about new concepts.

    There's a border for concepts within the field of use. Normally a MY is a trafic-vehicle. How necesssary is that movement and speed? That's something like a personnel index. And, if it's only big enough and nice enough it needs no moving at all, cause the others surely come to see it, and the proud owner is sitting above on the top, grinning like the little man on the Palmer-Johnson, but much higher, and much more little (the french governement still has a vessel, perfect for such a show, needs a refit/rebiult - but no limit no problem - and when you arrive with that thing whole monaco will be shocked).

    If this moving-thing is decided optic comes into play, and here are some ideas:
    It's obvious that modern MYs heave some lines and sections that are not to hide. So one could improve and use them: take the bow, that is most 1/3 ore 1/4 of the hull 5 m wider than the hull behind and let left and richtside emerge a highly representative staircase on which you can enter and exit the ship in an unignorable manor! Take the platform at stern, widen it, too, and install extendable gangways left and right to connect both and you and your guests heave a perfect walk of fame (it wouldn't shock monaco, but they won't beleave their eyes for some time).

    There is another crazy idea, that came up when playing aournd in 3D with yacht-shapes: It is awfull that one spent lots of money - for looking inside a metal bow. Why not making it trasparent to see and communicate with the dolphins aside. When composite can go white, (no limit?) then they can find some more transparent versions. So instead of making the whole front closed like a refrigerator it could be a big window from outside and it's sections inside easily could be equipped with some dimming crystal fields for the climate.
    So imagine a 80m-vessel with a glass-like bow and a glass-like deckshouse,
    and broad freeway entrance-like stairways at the sides! Imagaine it at night!
    If it would be less crazy it could be a new concept. Right?


    (sorry for my Genglish, i couln'td resist when i saw your posts here).
  7. tartanski

    tartanski Member

    Nov 5, 2004
    Hamburg, Dunnon, Buzios

    I would take the huge sum of money and build a stable of 3.

    WIG based high speed yacht for business trips. Think Wally Power, Loft style architecture. Light weight, high performance , airy interior. A looker.

    Wally yachts inspired Multihull for Fast sailing /cruising

    and a Go anywhere explorer yacht with the latest Naval architecture technology, Super slender or Axe bow, or Hybrid SWATH, efficient and green, perhaps with a Skysail.
  8. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    I would agree with everything else minus the skysail for now...untill those sky sails prove themselves i do not think so highly of them even though in the same breath, they are an idea for alternative power.:cool:
  9. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Even if I like to see big yachts, I can not see myself having one...:)

    I have said before that over 100 feet is too big for the way I would like to travel. But I have a design which is 46 meter and with unlimited funds I could think of building her just because it would be interesting to see her realized.

    She can sail with a crew of six and the sailing is just downwind, otherwise the sail is just for picking up solar energy and to stabilize the yacht.

    As a high tech and ecological yacht she will create very little noise or pollution and I guess she will be welcomed in places the Gigayachts will never fit in or be allowed to enter...:cool:
  10. Leveller

    Leveller Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Bremen, Germany
    How far can dreams go before it is time to call the men with the white coats? Somedays my wife wants to delete the harddrive :D.

    There are two ways to look on in the case of "what will be if I would be as rich as Gates and Co".

    First as it was mentioned before to shock everyone in the scene and then have the problem where to dock my Lürssen built Rob Humphrey and Andrew Winch 618 ft Mega-Mega-Mega-Exploreryacht, with all the things like indoor Badminton arena with 4 courts, four cars (Ferrari 430 Spider, 2 VW Touareg Expedition, YES), 60 ft. Hovercraft, 60 ft. speedboat, 60 ft. sailingyacht (Wally), 20.000 miles range, submarine SST Longranger for 10 people and crew which can leave to a moonpool, two Sikorsky S-76 C++ in hangar, 2 ROV's, speed of 24 kn, 20 m indoorswimmingpool with 3m jump, I-Shade windowsystem, 360° skylounge, portable Hockeyfield for the workdeck, Iceclass 1ASuper, zerospeedstabilizer, Azipods, zero emisson CO² engine, golfsimulator, jogging-treck on the maindeck, floor-to-celling windows for the 10 guest- and the master suite, freeclimbing and boulderwand, missile and diver detection systems, ABC security cabin, sandbeach at the 15 m outdoorpool, and on, and on.

    Want to read more? Wait the doctor says I will be out the clinic in two weeks and then I can send it to you. :D

    And secondly the compact version, A&R built Lars Modin and Gisela Miescke design 120 to 150 ft. where you don't have to ask the steward where the toilet on the 8th deck is, or when entering the Grand Canal in Venice, where you don't have the feeling that you are in your private plane and missed the landing strip.

    But as long as I am not rich like Gates or Elllison I think I stay whit the Leveller built Leveller designed 15 ft. seakayak "Blue Dolphin". ;). One good reason is, it can be transported on the roof of my car, try this with Octopus...

  11. Leveller

    Leveller Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Bremen, Germany
    Forgot to say, the 618 ft. design is a serious idea, deckplans and designs are availeble, not for a post here (I am afraid you would laugh for a century) but if some of you is depressed and wants to laugh a bit at home give me a PM.

  12. catmando

    catmando Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2005
    Arlington Tx
    I would build something like The Cat Ferry plying the Bay of Fundy but not so large, maybe 175-200' with 2/diesel-electric and 2/5000hp turbines/Lips waterjets for 70-75mph WOT.

    A Shadow vessel, same hull, for the toys.
  13. Loren Schweizer

    Loren Schweizer YF Associate Writer

    Apr 20, 2004
    Coral Gables/Ft. Laud., FL
    Meanwhile, Warren Buffett continues to chomp on his hamburger in between chuckles.;)
  14. Teenna

    Teenna New Member

    Jun 20, 2006
    Trinidad and Tobago
    For what it would cost you can buy a turn key Fincantieri cruise ship. They start at $ 250M and they have all of that and more. And imagine all those friends you can invite! not to mention that they are prooven success in "charter":D
  15. Leveller

    Leveller Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Bremen, Germany
    What friends?

    But after thinking about...on a cruise liner around 1000', wouldn't it be possible to stow a 150' tender? Then it would be like these figures they have in russia... tender in tender in tender in...
  16. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Since this is a "dream" thread, and I misplaced $100M in one of my suits, I guess I would like this....

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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2006
  17. V65

    V65 Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2006
    Austin,Texas & Miami Beach,Florida
    Hmm... A bit of Limitless, The One and sails...
  18. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    What would you build?

    Whatever I built, they would come...?! ;)
  19. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    SkySail Motoryacht or DynaRig Catamaran Motorsailer

    Hello Teenna,
    Why give up the oceanic range for something special, 'weird and crazy' .

    I was also interested in that Triton hull form, and just recently posted this

    Triton Warship
    At one time I was very interested in what might become of this experiment being carried out jointly with the British and USA navies. I've not heard much of the results, although I was always concerned that the USA might just say' not invented here' and move on.

    So my question is did anyone ever hear some solid data on this experiment??

    One of my reasons for asking relates to this superyacht projection:
    SkySail Tri Hull Motoryacht

    ...posting here....under Wavepiercers,Trimarans,Swath, and such