Octopus on the floating drydock at Blohm+Voss, Hamburg. Looks like a full repaint of the bow area as well as a lot of other work around the vessel.
If the rumours are right and 'Octopus' indeed comes to the market, what price would she command? I would guess more than 250 million USD. She has so many unique features, some of them unmatched - even 16 years after her launch.
Sounds about right. The list price will be that but I think the sale price will be more towards $195 - $200 million. If she indeed does go to market I hope whoever buys here will still use her and travel a lot!
I think this would be a hard sell. I don't think many people would be suitable buyers. Especially at the sales price of close to $300 million you could almost built a new one.
I've also seen she will be at the Monaco Yacht Show. I do hope of she gets sold the new owner will use her as much as the old owner.
Octopus will be hard to sell and it will take some time to change ownership. Also Octopus is in absolutely great conditions, 295 Mio Euro (not including any taxes like VAT, she is non EU flagged), is a very ambitious price for a 16 year old boat with a lot of miles on her keel (machinery operating hours). Even this engines / generators, etc. have been overhauled several times and her class cerftificate has just been renewed, the boat and its machinery, intensivly used like Octopus, is getting older and some very expensive repairs will be on the horizon. But it is not only her present price tag, which is very close to her original sales price (close from below or from above, You may figure out yourself ), there are also her vast opererating costs of 350.000,- to 400.000,- Euros per week minimum !!! And this even without her travelling much and not including the operating costs of her helicopters. The Sikorski S-76 is one of the, if not the most expensive commercial helicopters to operate. And the big Sub is close to her major inspection and overhaul (pressure cycle limit). Plus 61 crew, most of them with a very high qualification level, like HATPL Air crew and aviation engineers, submarine pilots, commercially licenced scuba and breath gas divers, medium to high voltage DE engineers, etc. need not only to be fed and paid accordingly, You have to keep them busy and interested, means motivated, otherwise they will leave You. Highly qualified crews with a yacht like Octopus in their seamans record book, will have a new assigment in a minute. Means, the prospective owner will have to travel intensively in the expeditions style of her previous owner. Octopus is not only to large and to expensive to be a med moored harbour queen, she is far too good and to well equipped for that purpose. The sales price will have to go down to at least below 250 Mio Euros and I would not buy her helicopters and may be not her sub with it. Her interior is ok and in acceptable conditions, except may be this crazy recording studio, which would have to be converted into a salon. Octopus is probably the best large Yacht on the market for an owner with a large family and a perennial circumnavigation on his near future plans, just a little bit to expensive for her age at the moment and she may need a different classification. I must say, Paul Allen has created a masterpiece.
I’m curious to see if the interior was refreshed during the refit. While you say that her ask is close to her build cost, that won’t equate to replacement cost at this point but agreed that she will have to come down in price as you mentioned the extensive machinery replacements that are coming plus an interior refresh for the new owner is likely of nothing was done.
For those curious about the layouts. https://www.yatco.com/buy-a-yacht/d...en-motor-yacht-twin-screw-displacement-yacht/
You were able to view those layouts? For me they are all stretched and fuzzy or didn't render properly.
Question; If the ship is in the Arctic, your in the heated pool and you pass an iceberg; Are you now in the Polar Bear Club?