Over the last year we have retired 5 Aere inflatable fenders. All came with the boat and don't know how old they are. They had leaks in the seams and ranged in diameter from 18" to 24", with a couple of D rings missing.The seams are similar to inflatable boats, which I have never had any success repairing. Are they worth trying to repair?
Probably not, the inflatable fenders take a ton of abuse (a lot more than RIBS) and will probably blow the seams you repaired. You could try calling Aere, they have only a 4 year warranty. I've had a lot of valves go bad with the Aere's and also had a D ring or two pull out over the years. The Taylor superyacht fenders are much better quality IMO than the AERE's. I used a set for 8 months and never once had to add air to them and the yacht they were on, moved a lot.
Thanks J, what I was thinking. I bought some Polyform F series, similar to the Taylor fenders. Was only going to use the Aere's when needed if repairable, doubt they would hold up anyways.
I have had excellent performance from the Taylor brand of the RIB material fenders. Taylor calls them superyacht fenders. I wouldn't hesitate to buy them.
Is there any way to contact Aere? 1) Tell the truth, new (to you) fenders were on the boat, you don't have sales receipt (unless in ships records). Any warranty? 2) Ask what to patch with?
No, they are not new and wasn't implying that. I could not find any receipts, think they are at least several years old. I did not buy these and am not complaining about any loss. Probably been through some rough conditions. Used three of them over the last year which gave out plus one from my previous boat. Just tried to inflate the last largest one because of hurricane Barry and the seam has totally separated. Have no idea what conditions they have been through, but for the money I can buy Polyform F series or Taylor Made tuff end's which would likely not fail like these type fenders. Have a couple monster Polyform F11's around 10 years old permanently at our dock for heavy weather which are really heavy duty, also heavy to handle but really tough. If the Aere's are dependable after repairing I was going to use them for back up. I don't have much confidence in that happening now.
Thanks, I appreciate the effort but have decided not to repair these. No confidence they can be repaired and be dependable.
Some MFGs are proud of their product and replace failed components past the warranty specs. That's why I suggested to call them up and honestly ask. Shipping the core back and new product to you is not included in these deals.
Capt Ralph, appreciate that info did not think of doing that because I did not buy them. The material seemed heavy enough, the seam is were the problems were, put together like a inflatable boat which have the same issues and hard to repair. They are expensive brand name product which you do not expect to have 100% failure. There may have been a reason for the failures but honestly I have never had a quality fender fail until using these type fenders. Saying that, we have laid up against dock pilings and floating docks more than ever before in the last year, but that is what fenders are for. I should have read your post before I put them in our dumpster. All history now, and we have a tenant that makes crab cakes using that dumpster, so ain't no way I'm dumpster diving. lol
Now that's funny, good idea! My wife loves to float, but laying on a black float she would be well done Fast!!
At this point, I'm inclined to agree. Reached out to them twice yesterday, giving the opportunity to offer some guidance; show some good will. Crickets.
Yes, it would have been good to get their opinion whether repair is feasible. I do not have any info for them, so it might be hard for them to make any recommendation without seeing the fenders, and I would not ship. Time to move on, have some experience with the Polyform and going with that type. Thanks for your time and effort.
If you still have them and want to get rid of them I’d be interested in taking them. I’ve repaired quite a few myself. Even ones the manufacturers said couldn’t be repaired.
I’m looking for fenders for my Princess V72. I used the polyform HTM-4s on my previous boat they are so **** heavy. Do you think the Taylor Superyacht fenders would be appropriate for daily use? I was thinking about the 18” x 42”. Any advice appreciated.
Yes, I've been using the Taylor 18x42" superyacht fenders for about a year now for daily use. Currently using them on the owners second boat, a 66' MY. In 6 months I never had to add air to them. I'm extremely happy with them. They're lightweight and strong.