First time poster - and massive TIA for any thoughts on the below. Wife loves the Galeon 510 Fly. The openness of the layout, etc. the fly AND sunroof! I like it as well. But there are LOTS of extra moving parts that seem to be waiting to go wrong. Wife drives the boating decisions (pun intended) as she enjoys it more than i do. (I enjoy it but she is crazy about being on the boat). Can get one very reasonably - new. Very. A 2018. (Why is a 2018 still The dealer is local (20 minute cruise from house) But there is only one other Galeon in my area - sold by this dealer. Dealer doesnt have any others in stock, but will order a (different) for me if i want it. This dealer know that my next boat will likely be a coastal cruiser, and they have those in spades -that is their specialty. I met the service guy when we did the sea trial (he rode along) as the sales guy knew after sale care is a HUGE issue as there are many funky moving parts on this boat. We use the boat just about every weekend for trips around San Diego bay and are venturing into the open ocean when conditions are good. (Trying to patiently nurture my wifes sea legs) Marine Max in Florida seems to be “all in” on this brand. But FL is thousands of miles from here,obviously. My dealer has a relationship with Marine Max. My contact from my Sea Ray dealer is telling me that this is a HUGE mistake due to limited support. (He is a former Coastie -and more than just a sales guy, I trust him - but their current offerings don't light my wifes fire- Prestige is their comparable brand) Current boat is a 2017 Sea Ray Coupe. Its just too small for us. Fun, 39 knots, too light, etc. No real problems with the boat - and all problems have been IMMEDIATELY rectified by the dealer. Including calling my guy on his cell at any time of the day (or night - within reason - I am not a jerk about it). Is this boat a problem waiting to ruin my boating experience? Help!?!
Don't have anything for you other than.... "Must have some serious AC power to keep that hot house cool......"
I don’t have any experience about Galeon but my convern about new to our market boats goes beyond dealer support It s more about getting a boat that is designed for the US market down to what seem like details which make a difference. Things like rub rails for our marina slips and pilings. Be able to board from the sides of the boat, either from finger piers or when tied along side. Most European build boats are set up for med mooring, fenders no piljngs and stern mooring Power, air con, galley space, water tanks, clear placements. I ve seen way to many stylish European boats that are impractical.
Right after I posted the above, I saw a Galeon 650 pass by while docked at BIM Big Game. Sure enough... no way to board on the sides due to the lack of gate and rail opening. Plain stupid. But I bet the salesman pointed out all the cup holders and flat screen TVs
Don’t really need side boarding where we go. Boat is behind my house, very large dock. At the Marina we frequent, we have a slip that accommodates rear boarding. But your point is well taken on not really being built for the American market. The flat screen TV placement is kind of important for us as we like to lounge in the salon and watch movies at night. I am probably going to look more closely at a few different boats.
These are the only two places you go? Boats need side access that allows visits to that fancy restaurant or downtown gathering. Ah, a raft-up.. Pascal has an eye for boats that are un-safe to board, walk around the deck, hang fenders or access the forward cleats. Wish there was a way to index his past post on this.
I was being sarcastic about the TVs and drink holders but personally that s way down the list A few years ago, a brand new Sunseeker showed up in the next slip.... new owner, all proud. Couple of days later he showed up in the evening with a few friends. No optional passerelle which wouldn’t have worked because of transformer on the dock anyway. So they all have to board from the fixed finger pier. Took 10 minutes for the friends to get on board because Sunseeker isn’t know about the need to board from the side and the ladies had to hike their tight skirts up and crawl and slide over the stylish side bulges... one of them almost ended up in the drink And luckily it was night time because short skirts on charcoal grey outside cushions must be real painful. I m sure it works well in rainy England ...
You're absolutely correct about the new Sunseeker line. It's one of the worst yachting lines in this regard. None of their boats accommodate side-entry. What's unusual is you'll almost never read about this obvious shortcoming even in the boating magazines that are US based. They're great boats but just aren't designed for the US market.
Galeon vs Prestige dilemma. Both have good designers. Build quality of Prestige is average and have been reported that some of the stringers do go lose on some of there boats if beaten in some tough stuff. Also interiors of Prestige are a bit lose, and often referred to in Europe as the Ikea boat. Google Ikea and you will understand. Galeon really improved quality in the last ten to fifteen years. Fit and finish improved as did the looks. They have an identity to them nowadays. Build quality is reported to be very good on some of the recent models or less recent models. But saying all this, I have a lot of concern for the 510 and new similar models with the opening bulkheads and fully glass flybridge. I am not sure how all this stuff handles all the bad weather. I would personally skip it if I want a cruiser to do some nautical miles with that 500 to 1000 nm a year cruise. As even in the best reports in a fortnight cruise you are always bound to get a day or two of bad weather in the best of them.
Most all of the European motoryachts are this way in regards to boarding, not just Sunseeker. American ones are too, it's just the American ones come with a boarding ladder already fitted. I've had a single step made by Marquipt in the past that was over size, worked really well and light and easy to put on compared to their heavy boarding ladders. But either way, I see this as a moot issue as it can be resolved aftermarket, just like many other use issues on a yacht. I've even had the fiberglass hull side cut and reglassed on a motoryacht with side doors installed, this was a Canadian yacht.
Great information folks. Totally correct on the Prestige. I went to look at one yesterday, after wow - not good interior quality - surprisingly so. We only dock in two places, but moor in other places. With the newer boat, we intend to go further and wider. So the concerns mentiond about boarding are good ones that I hadn't considered. (Thx mucho!) The versatility of the 510 fly is amazing, but just soooo many unique moving parts and none yet sold on the West Coast, and a 2018 that i have seen at 3 boat shows, still available. I guess i am just afraid of being a guinea pig.
Same price at all 3 shows or coming down? There will not be any warranty left on many options unless the boat mfg covers them.
Indeed. They will give me new bottom paint and zincs... but stil... Price dropping like a stone - bcz no one else will pull the trigger - for the same reasons that i am having trouble pulling the trigger? And is it a good deal if when it breaks - as boats inevitably do - and there is no tech in my area that has any experience in fixing this unique boat? Thanks so much for the information everyone!
Boats are not that unique. You can’t think of them as cars. You have specialists who will work on the various systems... air con, engines n trannies, general yard tech for running gear, steering, electronics, electrician... None of these systems are unique to Galeon or whatever boat you pick.
This, all builders use parts and systems that are from various venders. Yes, they do have a few unique parts, like Prestige uses circuit boards for various electrical systems, but in general the parts are pretty universal. However there are various grades of quality of these parts like water pumps and such. Have you considered looking at used boats from better brands?
Thanks for the additional info! I dont want to buy used as i want the support of the local team that AMAZINGLY supported me with our last purchase. Sea Ray 400 2017. Looking very hard at the Riviera 6000. The quality was off the charts. It was comparable to the Pershing 62 in quality. More boat than i need, but need has nothing to do with it. Right?