Hey Hawk, You've got some 'splaining to do (left over Miami lingo! ) What's this S&S designed passagemaker flying your colors???
Hiya Dave! As a matter of fact... I did. Her name was Maritza! Seriously... I spent a couple of hours looking at brokerage boats for the first time... in a long time. I think the yachts we have the privilege of featuring and discussing on YF have spoiled me. Actually, they have inspired me. To work harder, save more and go deeper into debt when the time comes! Are you makin' preps to watch F-18's in formation... and my flight skills further deteriorate?
Exactly what I had in mind! Carl, I knew you wouldn't let us down! Plans are made for the show & I don't know what I'm more exited to see. The F-18's or the famous heli-show. I hope my tower doesn't get in the way. We fly down on Wednesday & then run the boat down on Friday a.m. Were staying at the place you suggested.
Rumors Word is out that a certain Mr Lakschmi Mittal, of Mittal Steel fame, is looking "with interest" at Rising Sun. Mr Mittal made himself famous in Europe over the last weeks with his hostile take-over bid on Arcelor. He made a lot of guys, and even some presidents, very nervous with his shopping project! LE is said to be willing to part with Rising Sun if the numbers are correct. Anyone has more on this?
Likes and Dislikes I don't want to sound negative about Rising Sun because there are several things I like about her. I like her hull profile; even though I'm not to crazy about her openings astern. I like the profile of her 2nd and 3rd upper decks. All that glass is an interesting design element. What I don't like about her it the unfinished/plain appearance of her main deck. I gives me the impression of a mushroom stalk under the upper decks. Taken as a whole her design just doesn't transition well from hull to upper decks.
Been browsing though and seen some pretty nice pictures of Rising sun in Stockholm a while back. Not sure if many have seen these but they are of her in twilight conditions. http://community.webshots.com/album/415896928KxGcGA
There is what looks to be a retractable structure just forward of the bridge in post #5 and #6. Am I imagining this?