Developing story, but rumors says one of the docked boats took chase, stopped the Azimuth (or whatever it is) called the cops and several boaters are pressing chargers for damages as well as an injury. I saw the name of the boat somewhere, will dig it out. The “Captain”, owner, operator, whatever should be in deep trouble, but this stuff is more and more common in South Florida: Money buys big toys, but not brains, or even common sense.
Possible the same boat..
He may need to re-name his boat as his actions conflict with the definition: Define Zenja: TOP DEFINITION Zenja Zenja's are descendants of the great Night Elves of Azeroth, therefore, Zenja’s are superb strategists and excel activities such as DotA. Zenja's, being cautious creatures, usually only come out during the night to collect materials for their nest and food such as chips and chocolate milk.
Down here as well if my crew, me or my boat had suffered damages. I am a patient man, but stupidity and arrogance will cause big rage.
My friend filmed the video and sent it to me right when it happened. His voice is in the video. I was too busy here in Bimini to post it. Glad someone else picked it up and posted it. Anyone else hear the outcome?
Typical Memorial Day mess. We don’t go out on holiday weekends unless the owners want to. But just us for fun. Nope. I had two close calls Sunday night during a short evening cruise. Idiot nr 1 was a 40ish tiara charging down in the middle of Dinner Key Channel as I was heading out at hull speed. 1/4 mile out he was still aiming right at me so i hoped on plane just in case I had to take evasive action. I hugged the edge and he passed within 15’ Then later around. 11pm just south of brickell Key I noticed an echo on radar but couldn’t see anything. Then the FLIR showed a boat, unlit about 1/4 mile off zigzagging thru had to stop and sound 5 blasts and the guy crossed again in front of me maybe 100’ away. I used the hailer to tell him to turn on his lights. I guess he wasn’t that drunk because he found the switch... I hate holiday weekends
Yeah, got the same experience: All the drunks are out then and your boat is fair game. Had wake damage some 15-16 years ago during the Columbus Day Regatta in Elliot Key while rafted with friends. Called the Marine Police, they showed up right away then went over to collect the culprits and ferried them back to my boat: I pointed out the damage (busted life lines, broken mast head anchor lights among other things.) The culprits admitted guilt with the cops as witnesses, we exchanged information, I sent a 4-digit invoice 3 weeks later: Paid promptly. Nowadays we hesitate to go out during long weekends, weekdays are perfect, only working boats and the occasional retired guys are out, easy, clean and safe.
The listing is not currently active with that broker. "Unfortunately, this boat is not available for sale. It will be removed from the website soon."
Problem is, unless someone can actually prove injuries from this incident (which will not be easy, video or not), it won't mean anything for the owner/operator. His insurance will pay on the claims it has to and not on the ones it can get away with. Especially in Fla. If one has an Azimut 62' one is above trifling things like speed limits and responsibility for your wake.
Uh, no... I am pretty sure, but not certain, that the idiot operator will hang for this one, video, witnesses and all.