Electronic engine controls , may be removing Hynautic, 3stations. What say experience as to quality and dependability.,?
If set up right, usually very dependable. The ZF chrome bodied ones are good quality and last. Sturdy's are excellent. They do need constant voltage. I'm not a fan of the glenndenning ones even though CAT uses them on CAT 360 boats. Detents too stiff then throttle too light so you end up going into gear AND giving throttle when you only want to go into gear. CAT uses Sturdy on the non 360 boats. Don't get me wrong I run 150 different yachts a year, many of them during the first few times (engine start ups/ new boats) and have had control factors at least a dozen times over the last 15 years, but in general they're reliable these days. Hynautic is reliable too, but has it's own issues. Resevoirs leak at the top seam after so many years, plugged filter in the bottom, bad actuators etc. But you can usually tell when something is on it's way out with them.
Very very stiff, pressure up OK, parts becoming scarce , so I am told. Will have second opinion from my DD mech next week but, will not be surprised if recommendation is to change.
Well... hello... why woudl your mechanic recommend not replacing the system?? Call glend. They have EXCELLENT support. It is a very nice system which is very reliable Personally I m not a fan of electronic controls but on larger boats you don’t have much of a choice I ran a boat with Morse Electronics which where really nice but they don’t make them any more. No idea how good the replacement are, Morse was bought by Sea Star or whatever corp owns them One thing I hate about most electronic controls, incl the Morse and the Cat Electronic controls (C32s) is indeed the lack of detent and sensitivity. It takes very little effort to overshoot.
Friends new purchase , older vessel, I see the filter housing in the res. am concerned if we pull it will need to re bleed etc. Any experience with that filter out there ?
I've always pulled the filter and cleaned them as I haven't found replacements easily. In your friends situation, I would simply plan on flushing ALL of the hynautic lines anyways, which the easiest way to do would be to fill the reservoir and bleed at every station to get all of the old fluid out. Start at the lower station first and then go to the FB.
distilled water is good and the recommended fluid for flushing hynautic systems. Be sure to use the correct fluid diluted to mfg. spec.when you fill and bleed system.
Reviewing the survey report I see a note that the syncro people should be contacted as the surveyor was aware of the issue, seems my friend needs to read these things. Love at first sight overlooks the deeper details..lol.. Glendenning syncro, makes sense as all 3 stations have same issue. So will check that out. Thanks for the other insights.