Which is what I cannot understand. If you're going to go through all of that trouble, why wouldn't you continue and build boats. Now, it's been so long and so much time has passed that technology has passed those molds by.
I read John Patnocic was the Post CEO and also owns Worton Creek yard. He bought Post out of bankruptcy. Must be hard to start up again. Not many quality SF convertible production builders left, seems there would be a place for Post.
So, I think we will she a resurrection of the Post - too nice of a boat to die. Warton Creek may not be the owner to do it. I've alway thought that they bought that brand as a "flip. We may see Post under another name that has a record of building excellent production boats. Warton's problem IMO is that they want you to sign a contract for a boat they have not demonstrated they can build. Show me 42! Who buys a million dollar boat off a spec sheet? Show me want you can do....you're not Rybovich?
That's exactly why you will never see a Post built by Worton Creek. If I had that kind of money and wanted new I could choose from many established quality builders up and down the coast who have proven track records for 1 off builds.
The way it was explained to me was as follows: John P. was buying the remaining lumber ( Teak, Mahogany ) from the shut down and " out of business" Post factory and they made him an offer to buy the whole kit and kaboodle at such a low price that he could not say no. It was made to sound like John never set out to BUY POST but the deal just evolved and he decided to buy everything.
Whorton creek did rebuild that 74' Spencer that sunk off of PR on it's maiden voyage to the new owner. Not sure how it turned out in the end, but there are photos on their website.
Sounds reasonable. The hull design probably is out of date by now, anyway? I do think they have an aftermarket opportunity with up grades, refits for we older boats. But that easy for me to say....
Worton Creek has many projects like that that never really seem to get finished. As far as that Spencer goes, I don't see how John will make a profit from all the repairs and damage and to find a buyer who wants a salvage titled boat.
Hi I’m in the motions on buying a 50 post with 8v92’s. Dose any one have one who can tell me the fuel consumption and speed at certain rpms? Thanks
I see it all the time , I'm there till end of May. He pulls it in and out of the water more than I did with my Ranger bass boat! Lol. It floats, runs with new engines etc..he had some prop/shaft vibration due to poor fit , but that is fixed. Still has the interior to do and all the electrical and such. Maybe another year to go? my guess. The bottom hull work/repairs look very good, btw.