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Camper and Nicholson - Maid Marion - where is she now?

Discussion in 'Vintage & Classic Yachts' started by JDWheeler, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. stagerb

    stagerb New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    ft lauderdale fl
    Hi Camargo
    I am confused, Last I knew the Camargo IV was the last boat your father owned' UNLESS we are talking about another Camardo family.The Family I knew the owner Passed in 1968, From Cinn. I be leave his Family sold the Yacht shortly after. Then Became Utopia II. I didn't think they had another camargo V.
  2. stagerb

    stagerb New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    ft lauderdale fl
    Hi Again Camargo
    If you are who I think you are
    Stay Well
    HI Manusel
    I know of two Camargo's One in the USA named Camargo Iv. Other Camargo V from England.
    Two Maid Marion's
    One Over 200 ft England
    In The USA maid Marion was the Yacht Of Mr H Dodge, She lived on it in Palm Beach winter and Long Island summer.. Mrs dodge was 115 ft or 120 ft.
    Not sure witch Boat your referring too.
    Hope this helped
  3. Manusel

    Manusel Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    Destin, FL
    Okay, I looked up all the five Camargos in Lloyd's , and here's what I found.
    Camargo I Official # 227897 was 225' LOA designed by Gielow and built in 1928 by Lawley. In 1940 she belonged to Gen Raphael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic who named her Ramfis after his playboy son. Pictures are above in this thread.
    Camargo II was official #248280 and measured 46' LOA and was built in Naples, FL by Wilbur Stater in 1945. She also carried the names Melanie, Karuna III, and Mariavon. In 1968 she belonged to Harlo Haagenson of Essex and Greenwich, CT.
    Camargo III was 65' long and built by Wheeler in Clasen, NY. she also had the names Lazy Girl II and Marjorie E. Her owner in 1968 was John Hagan, Hagan Ind. Miami, FL
    Camargo IV was 115' long and was built in 1961 by Schiepswerf de Vlijt of Aalsmeer, Holland and designed by H.W. de Voogt. In 1968 she was known as Lauvonnia, owned by Belle Fiber Products Corp of Marion and Evansville, IN.
    Camargo V, official # 166781 was 173; LOA. she was designed and built by Camper & Nicholson in Southampton, England in 1938. Pictures were posted earlier in this thread. She bore the names Running Eagle, Huong Giang, Jagusy, and Maid Marion. In 1968 she was owned by Neapolitan Navigation Ltd. and homeported in Nassau, Bahamas.
    Anyone with photos of II, III or IV, please post.
    It would be of interest to know the origin of the name Camargo and its connection to the family that used it on five yachts.
  4. Manusel

    Manusel Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    Destin, FL
    Stagerb, regarding Maid Marion, the English one was Camargo V described and pictured above. The U.S.A - built Maid Marion was probably either Maid Marion, originally Margaret F. III, or Maid Marian II (with an a) which was originally Cleopatra. I can post photos of both, but the site doesn't seem to want me to do so at the moment.
  5. stagerb

    stagerb New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    ft lauderdale fl
    Hi Again
    The Yacht Camargo " 225ft was built by the owner " Fleischmann of Cinn.
    He and his family took a two Year execution. Later sold it to Trujillo, later Sank was used as a ferry.
    The 116 ft was built Again by Fleischmann of Cinn. after he died the Family sold the yacht and it Became " UTOPIA II. I was on her. and sold many times after.
    I hope this helps you. BUT the original owner was J Fleischmann.
  6. Manusel

    Manusel Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    Destin, FL
    Will try to post picture of Camargo IV.

    Attached Files:

  7. Manusel

    Manusel Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    Destin, FL
    click on the above image to see the full picture. Is this the vessel you went on, stagerb?
  8. stagerb

    stagerb New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    ft lauderdale fl
    YES, This was the yacht I was on. J fleischmann had it built but died and was sold. Became Utopia II Miami
  9. stagerb

    stagerb New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    ft lauderdale fl
    J Fleischmann Died in 1968, I think Mrs Fleischmann Passed in o8 or 09 Not sure
    They had three children Two Girls one boy" Skipper" Just the Best people in the world. I also knew them " they were in Naples and we lived in Boca Raton and Ft lauderdale. I am Not sure if the wheeler was theirs or not
    Hope this helps. Do Google about the STAR OF MALTA
    I don't think the Family had another Yacht after his Death or they would have kept the Yacht Camargo IV. If you want more history about the Name Camargo' google
    Camargo Hunt, Indian Hills Cinn. also check out Green acres, GREAT HISTORY OF A GREAT FAMILY Many Fleischmann's but you can seperate the Names"
    Junky Fleischmann, Dorette wife
    Have a Great Research
  10. stagerb

    stagerb New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    ft lauderdale fl
  11. stagerb

    stagerb New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    ft lauderdale fl
  12. stagerb

    stagerb New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
    ft lauderdale fl
    when you said this yacht was your Fathers Yacht" Are you Joan or delli"? I meet Joan years ago at the house on 57st. joan was ' at Vassar" I think. then went to Smith " I think " I think Joan was 18 or 19 at that time" I never meet skipper" the son" I went to the cape and Vermont with your Parents. Just the Best in the world" That school is so gone. I was so sad when I learned your Dad left us. I have Great memories. My parents knew them. same house. Good luck to you and Family W.A.S.
  13. Whitney Irons

    Whitney Irons New Member

    Dec 23, 2018
    South Florida
    I worked aboard Chimon in 1981-2 when the Canadians (Barry Tuttle I believe and his partner whom I forget) bought her. Mick White was the engineer who was the only other crew member. As I heard the plans unfold once the wild German Ulf Uhlig got involved I emplored the owners not to attempt such a modernization of a classic yacht and to fix her back as all original. One concern at the time was the MAN direct reversing main engines. Every captain that visited was terrified of an engineer having control so they wanted to re-power with CAT 3612's. Uhlig mesmerized the Canadians and painted an epic dream. I was responsible for the dismantling of the interior while tied along side on the Miami River during 1981. We were taking everything apart so it could be used again. Sometime in early 1982 a captain was hired (name withheld) and he wanted everything sped up so destruction began with vigor. I was so disgusted seeing the destruction of such a beautiful yacht and the huge waste of funds I departed to the delight of the captain. I provided my final debrief to the Canadians and sadly, as 1982-3 unfolded the warnings came true. Last I saw her she had a 15 degree list at Florida Yacht Basin on the Miami River with all the works done going to hell. I don't know what happened to her post the years long litigation as she rotted on the river. Uhlig the crazy German passed away during the litigation period. I would like to think she still floats but have my doubts.
  14. Camargo

    Camargo New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
    Manusel is correct in his chronology of my father’s yachts. Camargo I was requisitioned in WW II and did end up with Trujillo. Camargo II and IIII were based innNaples, Florida where my father had interests. Camargo was the first Fead Ship built in The Netherlands and cruised the Mediterranean, The Caribbean and Scandinavia with family. Camargo V was indeed originally Maid Marion, built for a Dodge but requisition shortly and did convoy duty in the North Atlantic. She also was owned I believe by the French government and she was used by Emperor Bao Dai in Vietnam. My father bought her in about 1964 from an Italian named, I believe Raveno or Ravello. She had beautiful cartoons (the colored drawings that were made before a tapestry was woven and followed to create it) in the dining saloon. She cruised both the Med ( including North Africa) and the Caribbean and was based in Piraeus, Palma Majorca and finally in Malta. She was sold after my father died to John D. Eaton of Eaton Stores in Canada. There was a lawsuit, the end of which was that she was sold jointly by my family and the Eatons to Robert Stigwood, the film producer and was based in England and/or Monaco. I understand she came to a bad end.
    For the person who asked, the name Camargo is after La Camargue, or Camargo, was French and in the 18th century was the first dancer ever to raise her skirts above her ankles and such dancing was the precursor to classical ballet. Camargo Club, Camargo Hunt and the Camargo are in Indian Hill outside Cincinnati were later iterations of the same.
  15. Camargo

    Camargo New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
    I agree that I had the best parents. In all categories. Thank you all for saying kind things.
  16. Camargo

    Camargo New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
    I noted typos above. To clarify, I meant to say Camargo II and Camargo III were based in Naples, Florida where my father had interests. Camargo IV was the first Feadship…and so on.
  17. CapRoss

    CapRoss New Member

    Jan 24, 2017
    Camargo IV, the Feadship, sank a few years ago in Italy during a severe storm. At the time named Eutopia. Before she was Smooth Operators. The boat was raised and stored with Antonini Shipyard in Italy and can be seen on their Instagram from July 2020. Anyone know any if this Camargo is dead or alive?
  18. Millforce1

    Millforce1 New Member

    Dear J D Wheeler,

    I have 3 photos of what must surely be the Maid Marian. They were taken by my father, Jack, in August 1939. He was on a tandem tour in N0rway immediately before WW2. Maid Marian was moored in the Sogne Fjord, near Laerdal.
    I hope you find this message and the photos display ok.
    Best wishes,
    John Barker (Millforce)

    71 Laerdal Sogne fjord Maid Marian.jpeg

    72 Sogne fjord Maid Marian.jpeg

    71a Maid Marian background.jpeg