I’ve got an issue with my Sturdy engine controls on a 1997 Broward. The system comes on but I can’t take control at any of the stations. All I get is both the red “take command” light and the green “sync” light flash simultaneously at all stations. Anyone know what it’s trying to tell me? Of course I have no manual on board and so far I can’t find any answers on the inter web.
Sturdy Corporation USA 1822 Carolina Beach Rd. Wilmington, NC 28401 Toll Free: (800) 721.3282 Phone: (910) 763.2500
Worked through it with Sturdy. The “take command” button at one station is bad. Once I unplugged the lead for the bad one from the distribution box the other stations came back on line normally. Interestingly, when I first told them I thought I had a bad button at one of the stations they said that wouldn’t be causing the problem. Then when I told them the system was working correctly with the station with the bad button disconnected, they said, “yeah a stuck button could cause that”. !?