At the risk of some unknown calamity I was warned against a Bluewater Cruiser. Can someone enlighten me as to why these should not be considered for purchase? Thanks and I mean no harm
I wasn't sure if it was a joke or they were implying that they were low quality in general. Just trying to gain information.
Bluewater Cruiser or Bluewater Yacht. One is an ugly houseboat that should not leave the canal, the other is a decent lil trawler (not great, just decent).
The ugly house boat with no free-board, subject to flooding from wake hitting it amid ship, with the main engines under the mater bunk and vanity cabinet, will never pass a COI and never a survey in this area? Don't pass or walk away, RUN away...
It's still an ugly POS. Hey, it's my opinion. I have been around a few old and newer ones in the St. Johns river. Best left for reef material. Eventually, the fish will get over the ug and use it as an art reef.
Ya, dat's something you don't want to be seen on. Be cool to blow up in a movie scene or something like that.
True, I'm in TN........but looking for something I can take to the Keys/Bahamas.....that sort of thing....maybe do a Loop
There was one in the yard that I looked around in. I was surprised to see 1/2 the engine under the master bunk and half under a dinette seat ! With a bulkhead passing OVER the top of the engine !!! Talk about inconvenient access !!!
Then likely not the right boat for many reasons. Can you post a link to a boat like you're considering somewhere?
Not really considering a specific boat just yet. Looking at broker sites and just reading and looking at pics.
Well, you're talking about a Bluewater Cruiser and just trying to see what you're talking about and started this thread about. Are you talking about something like in post #10, that type and size?
Something about like that. Been looking at BayLiner, Meridian, Carver.......I think we would ultimately like to have a 40-50' that would be comfortable to live on and that could handle the Gulf, Keys, Bahamas
Looked at several Carver's online and we both like the layout of the 53' or 56' Voyager. Just not sure if that's too much boat for first timers
Was I who told you that...kinda looks like at floating ''Sturgeon fish'' good advice given by the Senior members above..and then there is Gibson...Lol!