The only time i like riding one is in the Bahamas when exploring. Nice water, nice scenery... but as a captain my blood pressure seems to to rise whenever a guest takes it out I hate jetskis Well yesterday aftwrnoon , the **** thing ( a 2 year old Seadoo spark) came back half sunk towed behind the tender. Pulled it on the hydraulic platform to drain it and then clipped it to the davit to bring it back on the top deck. I thought the thing was toast... engine was fully submerged. Couldn’t get the story straight as to what had happened... two guests turtled it, no idea if it had water in first or if they took too long to get it righted up So this morning I get to work. Getting to anything on a spark means the whole top part has to be unscrewed, steering disconnected etc. pull the coils and plugs and sure enough when cranked water and crap shoots out. Lube the cylinders, eject the stuff, plugs back in, crank and the **** thing hydrolocks again. I hate jetskis. Turns out the airbox and the intake manifold were full of water... another hour pulling it all, draining and resinstalling I hate jetskis After 6 or 7 hours, I had the thing all back together and running on the hose. Launch it, let it idle alongside still hooked up to the davit and took it for a test drive. (It s a **** Jetski, can’t use the words sea trial) I hate jetskis 30 minutes a various speed, crunching my spine, getting sprayed. I hate jet skis Hopefully that’s all it will take (plus all the rinsing and spraying). In the plus side all the connectors on the little Rotax engines have good seals and should be ok For those of you who have to deal with Sparks, they are not sealed like other jetskis and of flipped over they will fill with water. It s critical to right then up immediately which is now going to be part of the safety breefing Did I say that I hate jetskis?
The Spark is the cheapest, nastiest Jetski on the market. One dealer told me they were designed to last only one season and to then get the owner to upgrade to a newer one. Get a Yamaha. (I hate Jetskis too).
Unfortunately the spark is the ONLY newish jet ski that will fit in the garage on Lazzara's. When a 2 stroke has water in the motor, after you turn it over without spark plugs and get as much out as possible. loosen all of the spark plugs and then thread them 2 whole turns in by hand, then connect the coils to them and get the motor running. Enough air will bypass the plug threads to allow the water out, while allowing the engine to run well enough to suck all of the water out of it.
We had a yamaha waverunner on the previous boat i ran, it was worst. There was no access and a lot of rusting clamps and bolts. It s a bit of a pain to pull the top of the spark but once open you have excellent access. All clamps and bolts are SS and all connectors are well sealed I am honestly suprised it survived... at least for now The molded shell of the spark holds up much better too. I once had a transom Tie down rip out a chunk of fiberglass out of the waverunner in rough water...
I hate JetSkis too, but loved SeaDoos! This is a collage that hangs on my office wall reminding me of good times.
I used to do the same thing with a Pro VXR Yamaha with a bunch of work done, back in the day. I bet you went through lots of motor mounts, I know I did! But yeah, in a charter environment I'd replace them every 2 years or sooner and call it the cost of doing business
A Spark came with our current boat, sold it immediately to my neighbor, his boy destroyed in 2 months. I hate jet skis too. They rent them here and come thru our bayou in covey's up to maybe 15 at high speeds thru no wake zones. Did I say "I hate jet skis"? Probably would have give an arm or leg for one when I was a teenager. ( had they made them) lol
Reading through this thread I'm seeing a lot of people with misplaced "hate". The jetskis aren't the problem... it looks to me like you all hate jetski riders and the dumb things they do.
The constant maintenance of the jet ski's is the problem. If you're not using them enough to go through an entire tank of fuel with them, at least every 6 weeks or less, you are going to have issues (and nobody ever does). Even then you are going to have a lot more more issues than a 4 stroke outboard as a whole.
Honestly that little spark hasn’t required any maintenance in 2 1/2 years. I had to replace the wear ring because a guest ran over a line and that was it. I d like to get 3 to 4 years out of it.
i dont typically get bothered too much but jetskis/waverunners when i am on the water. if they want to jump my wake as i cruise about it does no harm to me so i let them have their fun. hell when i ride my dads new yamaha vxr i like to jump boat wakes too. i dont typically feel endangered by them following, never have one get close enough that i felt there was a chance of a collision.
There has been many accidents while wake jumping whether jet ski hitting the boat or each other. It is also illegal, at least in Florida. If you don’t understand that jumping a wake in close quarter can was to a collision with an oncoming vessel hidden behind the boat you re behind, you don’t belong on the water
A wave runner jumped our wake then past us on our port side...the girl fell off the back of the wave runner maybe 75 ft. directly in front of our boat...the only thing that saved her was we were on plane had the synchronizer on and pulled stb throttle back... the port slave lagged and steered the boat to stb...I watched her go by within2 ft. of the port side...the guy picked her up and took off. Scared the crap out us...she will never know how lucky she is to be alive...had I "not" been using the synchronizer it would have been impossible to react quick enough to steer around her...too many incompetent people operating jet ski's.