Our head has a single scalloped fiberglass sink molded into the counter. They look like crap. Anyone ever cut these sinks out and place a stainless drop in sink in its place? As no one is interested in cutting corian for the counters, I was thinking starboard and doing it myself. Thoughts or potential problems?
If you can remove existing in one piece - or two, you can perhaps use it as a pattern for a Corian shop to make a replacement that you can self install.
Can you perhaps post a photo or two? UPDATE: I found some photos online of another Ocean so I see what you have. There's got to be a way to carefully cut (in half?) and extract that sink/counter top. Otherwise, cut the sink out of the existing top and make a pattern for a new Corian overlay with a Corian sink attached that would drop through the hole where the old sink was.
Boomer! I would leave it be , and get to like it. Nothing is easy ,right? That is a nice one piece set up Ocean put in, IMO. And with no leaks ,and it fits nicely in place. Work on your other projects on the boat. Save the time, money ,and aggravation.
Have you contacted this vendor: https://www.buildasurface.com/request-quote They are part of http://www.teakisle.com/products_marine.asp which is all boat work. You would have to install yourself. Not that far of a drive for you.
The forward heads vanity has always bothered me but one project I am not ready to tackle. Boomer, did you cut yours out and replace? Pictures would be awesome if you did.
Yes I cut the sinks out, placed a new counter top and put a drop in sink in place of the old one...pics too big to upload by phone
It really wasnt hard to cut out with a scroll saw...all the old plumbing still fits it you keep the original holes...
nice job, I do remember that sink setup on the old 38, it was slightly dated yes. With regards to posting pics from my phone, what I usually do is email them to my laptop from the phone and reduce the size of the photos in the email to medium size. That usually does the trick for getting the size right for posting here.
Did you end up using this vendor? If so, how did the process go? I'm thinking about replacing my head and galley counter tops.