Is it possible that your captain does not know how the batteries are supposed to be configured (and the wiring) and that he did something wrong while installing the batteries and trying to get it to work? Is it possible that your Captain performed the auto configure for the port engine incorrectly? It seems like it's pretty easy to know that the corroded case for the ECM is the case only and that if you want a new enclosure, you can buy one. Did you instruct them to replace the enclosure for the ECM when they replaced the ECM? This just seems like better communication is needed. It does sound like you are trying to save some bucks by doing some of your own work but possibly in the process causing further problems.
Has starter technology changed so much that you cannot " bench test" a starter on the floor of the engine room after removal from the engine ? I'd think you could bump a starter with cables on the floor to see it works under no load. Then an easy test to bump it on the engine and, using the DVM mentioned above, see the voltage reaction when the solenoid is engaged.... Unless by " bench test" they actually replicate the engine load on the starter, why would you go to all that trouble and time to remove it to the shop ?
I agree. Don't know why they did. We're being told now by another third source the original starter is fine. nothing wrong with it. We will get our original starter reinstalled and then return the currently installed starter and get credited for the work done.
Thank you Captain J for the explanation. makes sense based on limited knowledge I have. The first technician tested the battery and said it wasn't good. The third technician is the one that said the battery is probably still good because it wasn't the battery. Had something to do with the house battery was hooked up to start the port engine and not the cranking batteries so not sure how first technician tested battery. I believe he tried to jump the battery and didn't start engine so concluded it was the batteries. don't know for sure. just know what they told us was the cause at the different times. Yeah I thought it was the bad ground cable as well but they said it wasn't. We've just had a different volvo dealer specialist come out and within an hour he pretty much concluded and answered my questions. more to come.
All great questions Ormand Bert54. Batteries: Why do you ask about Captain doing something wrong while installing the batteries? What could be done wrong? Can you elaborate please? Interesting questions as I thought about same questions with the first technician coming and jumping the batteries and he trying to figure out why the port engine wasn't starting and only salonoid clicking while not throwing off any codes. Please let me know because I wasn't there when the first technician was assessing and figuring out and testing the batteries. Would be interesting to know what you think the technician could have done wrong while jumping the batteries and trying to get it to work. On the other hand, I was there when my captain removed it and he installed exactly as it was installed before, as I saw it (when we removed the batteries together) and since we have the batteries on the starboard side just as he installed the port side. same exact wiring configure. nothing complicated about doing that really. And when he installed it, the same issues existed as before doing so with port engine not starting with Solenoid clicking and no codes or alarms. Auto Config: The auto configure is an easy process. two buttons. we just had a reputable volvo dealer technician (not from this company) come and assess the situation and I watched him conduct the auto configure. I asked him could a incorrect auto configure cause any of these issues and his answer was no. Although funny you mention because that was a question I had about the first technician who came and conducted an auto configure prior to my captain doing so (that's how my Captain learned how to conduct one). So don't think that is any longer an issue of any cause of any of the problems as I've learned from this new tech from a different reputable volvo dealer company. And funny you mention because, the third technician that had came and the service manager was pretty adamant about all the troubles being an incorrectly conducted auto configure. Now we know that is that the case. Corroded ECM case/plate: I'm not sure if I'm understanding your question about the corroded case for the ECM or if I didn't explain the situation well enough. The original ECM on my boat had a non corroded ECM case (called a plate). When the technician removed the original ECM with the non corroded ECM plate in place he installed an ECM that had already had a plate installed on it (a corroded plate). We found out, and it was confirmed today, that this ECM that was installed with the corroded plate was an ECM that has been used for testing in multiple boats. The technician interpretation of that ECM was that it was new. He communicated that to the service manager and the service manager had stated so. I as an owner if I'm billed for a NEW ECM (which I was) I expect a NEW ECM not one that was pulled from a boat prior and has been used for testing on multiple boats. I understand it only had .2 hrs however it's been used regardless of how many hours it has on it. Lets get back to the corroded ECM plate. It's difficult for me to comprehend and accept that it's industry standard to take a corroded plate and install it on what someone is charging a New ECM and leave and consider that a finished job. And yes I agree with you that better communication was needed as the ECM was installed on my boat without prior approval or even knowledge of what the cost of the ECM would be (over $4,500 for parts alone). So, no I didn't instruct them to replace the enclosure for the ECM when they replaced the ECM as I DIDN"T EVEN KNOW THEY WERE INSTALLING AN ECM. So yes you are 100% correct better communication was necessary all along the process as there was a lack of communication and lots of contradicting information when there was. It's difficult to understand how someone puts an ECM (what they are considering a New ECM) and leaves and invoices for new ECM but with a corroded plate (while my original ECM with my original non corroded ECM was left on my boat). Why not take the time to take the non corroded plate from the ECM, that the technician had to remove to get the new ECM installed in the first place? DOING OWN WORK?: I don't understand where you read from my post that I was trying to do any of my own work. Sorry if I gave that impression. I didn't do any of the work. All work was performed from same Volvo Dealer company. Where does it seem that I was doing any of the work? (other than switching out the batteries as instructed by the first technician who said it was the batteries and he instructed my Captain and I to change them out)?
Ok - I thought that was your original ECM plate that they simply re-installed instead of replacing. Seems crazy that they would introduce that corroded plate with a new ECM on your engine. At the very least, they should have switched out your original plate which was in much better condition if that is possible. Regarding the batteries ... I was not aware they had asked you to switch those out. Sure it's possible for your captain to attempt troubleshooting the battery system and leave the system in parallel or crossover mode. I'm not sure how your system is setup but some have switches that accomplish this from the helm or the engine room. I was just saying ... sometimes you get too many cooks in the kitchen and it's tough to tell who did what. I understand now ... your Captain attempted an auto-configure like the original Volvo Technician instructed him to do if there was ever a problem ... this was the original Volvo Technician who gave the instructions and who might have made errors because the engine was not turning over next time you came to the boat. Sometimes it takes time and money to track a problem down. Once you find a mechanic or shop you believe in, you can stick with them. When I first purchased my boat, I looked for a "certified" mechanic using OEM parts for my engine that needed overhaul. I learned over time that what I needed was a trustworthy engine shop with a great reputation. Fortunately, I found that. It's still not cheap but it's honest, quality work.
I've found a really good Volvo guy who is not with one of the usual suspects in South FL. PM me and I'll send his name, at the very least he can provide a second opinion. Unfortunately I've found there are Volvo techs who know what they're doing and several who are still learning on the job. For anything major, it's helped me to get a second opinion from another company. I had a DPS issue that was diagnosed as needing replacement (11k). I had another tech take a look when I caught him at the docks and a similar problem as you described had occurred - the DPS had been removed from the network. Once he added it back in everything was fine, 1 hour of work.
Completely agree with you Ormond Bert54. In the past I've been a penny wise and dollar foolish. I have decided to change the volvo dealer service provider to another I trust. Peace of mind is PRICELESS!
If you need the greatest Volvo shop who frequently travels to help yachts in trouble, Fordham Marine in Jax FL, I do strongly recommend. They get all our Volvo customers work. Family shop I have counted on for over 35 years. No other Volvo shop gets our or my customers business where ever they are.