50' SPENCER This morning I met Captain Tilt for the first time, he was delivering a new 50' Spencer with MJP Waterjets Drive , I gave him a hand to check in for his up bound transit today, I think he had a pretty good trip.
Thank you Rodger, was able to be out of Lock 8 by about 1600 and ran across the Lake. Was certainly my fastest transit from 0830 - 1600, but just wish we could've started on Sunday evening when I arrived. Will be in touch for my downbound trip in September! Thank you again!
AUGUST 28/18 WELLAND CANAL TO CLOSE FOR THE DAY this means they will not take any pleasure craft for for a few day until all commercial traffic is cleared up. https://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca...nd-canal-to-close-for-a-day-later-this-month/
Is there any rule of thumb for wait times going down in mid September? Also, what is the process for clearing into Canada with a newly purchased boat? The new USCG Doc won't be issued yet.
The only rule of thumb is that after Sept. 15 in going through is that they can then take you at any time. Before Sept. 15 they prefer to take you between 0700-1700. In terms of clearing into Canada, as long as you have the HIN / HID and your letter from the Documentation company showing that it's being documented you will be fine. The last time I was downbound, I was at SugarLoaf Marina and had the guys come and go through the boat quick, but last week on an upbound trip, they only wanted PAX onboard and our Passport numbers / HIN / HID. You'll be fine.
Thanks, I had looked at their websites and done some searching, but nothing specific with a boat just purchased.
They will take yachts 24 hours a day 7 days a week. With the cut back with lock crews they have been running yachts both ways once per shift. Try and check in at 7 am or 7 pm that is when shift change is but they will not start you until commercial traffic is cleared up. There still are major delays for pleasure craft some days. Capt. Tilt mention above that after Sept. 15 they will take you any time that is not the case.
As to the new doc, get it done in time by using the Priority Handling. I'd suggest a documentation agency familiar with rushing documentation through. The purpose of the special handling is those leaving the country and we've always had great results from it. https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Portals/9/...ndling_Criteria.pdf?ver=2017-05-05-105405-483
Hi Rodger, in looking at the page from the Seaway, I misinterpreted my previous statement, and you are by far the Canal Expert. Here is what I read just prior to going through last week. Lockage is scheduled between the hours of 0700 and 1900 from June 15 to September 15. At other times pleasure craft lockage will be performed around commercial vessels on a best effort basis. Looking forward to making a downbound transit next month and catching up with you again Rodger. Thank you!
The page you read is correct but it was for the Montreal section of the Seaway. Note that in the Montreal section of seaway they only take pleasure craft from May 18 - October 8, and in the Welland they will take pleasure for the entire shipping season. In the Montreal section of seaway you use to be able to give 72 hours notice to transit out side of those dates but this option is no longer allowed. Last year I took a new Burger down the Welland last week of November and had to make a few phone calls to get her through to Montreal as they did not want to take her.
Another load of new yachts to the Great Lakes.On board is a new 2019 Sunseeker 66' Manhattan to be unloaded in Cleveland going to a dealer St Clair Shores and the other V60 Princess was unloaded above lock 8 in the canal and she will come back down the canal to a new Princess Dealer in Toronto.
LAST TRIP Today should be my last trip through the canal for this year, a new 60 ' 2019 Viking Princess heading to St. Clair Shores. Erie canal closed today and she was the last boat through. Not the best picture
I'm pretty sure I passed your Princess 60' Roger on Saturday afternoon just passed the Livingstone Channel on the detroit river!
USS SIOUX CITY Another new Freedom - Class Littoral Ship down bound Welland Canal to day heading out the Seaway. Next week the USS Wichita will be down the canal.
USS WICHITA She went down the Welland Canal on Sunday and out the Seaway heading for Mayport Florida and will be Commissioned January 12/19