Hi Everyone, About a year ago, I began my research on my future boat, and finally decided a Post is exactly what I am looking for. I am in the process of selling my boat and hoping for a speedy sale. I have seen everything on yacht world and boat trader. Looking to spread my horizons. I am interested in a 1989 or newer, 42-46 foot Post. Must be clean and mechanically sound. Any leads or feedback is much appreciated. Thanks, Dan
They're great boats, and as boats go, easy to maintain. We have traveled many miles in a 1993 46' and have no complaints. Good luck on your search for the right one.
PMs are great. they offer private information (phone numbers, and addresses) with out broadcasting that data all over the world for hackers to copy and maybe use,,,,, against you. However, we luv pictures and a deal in the making, Yes,,, We like to watch... So, brag on your yacht, post pictures and let us know where the new ship is heading without personal data. Carl put this great site together and gets very little sleep in keeping it secure. Lets share all we can but not push the security limits. The PM section is great for this.
Dan, I am selling my 42'. it is not in your year range as it is an 83 but it is spotless with the teak interior and mid-ship master. many upgrades and updates including kvh sat tv, underwater lights, dripless shaft seals, NEW 2018 strataglass 4-sided enclosure. I am a two boat owner and recently dropped the price on Yachtworld to sell before winter. I personally would prefer a 42 over a 43. this boats needs nothing
Hi Onyx, Very nice boat. thank you for sharing, but looking for 1989 or newer. best of luck on your sale!
Whats the difference in 6 years older? We push a 40 year old Bert thru anything in our way. Style? Power? Trim? insurance? Cabin lay out? Of my interest, what would keep you from shopping an older old boat?
A mixtures of all. After doing extensive research, I would like a series 2 hull. I like the master being at the bow. Power, I would prefer 6v92 550hp. I looked at a 44' post with the wife back in july which we loved. But we need to sell our boat first...
Series 2 hull. I have hear of this before but do not have a complete understanding of the changes. Maybe some one can explain the details on this. I am a Detroit fan. Warm up to the 71s. I remember comments on other YF threads, some Post were also powered (re-powered?) with MANs & Volvos. Any thoughts on these? Master forward does get a lil noisy at night on da hook.
Not sure if you are aware that the 43 and 44 are the exact same hull. The interior layout is the difference with 2 heads and mid level galley. So the new series hull on those starts in 84. Earlier than the 46.