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Looking for pictures of French & Italian Yachts used by Germans '43-45

Discussion in 'Vintage & Classic Yachts' started by ptdockyard, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. ptdockyard

    ptdockyard New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    Upstate NY
    I am looking for pictures of small yachts used by the KRIEGMARINE either off Southern France or the West Coast of Italy 1943-45. These would include craft used in 6.Sicherungsflottille, minensucheflottille, and harbor patrol craft (hafenschutzboote). I have pictures of the UJ2219 (Insuma), the Nimet Allah, Cetonia and Silver wings

    Some examples of boats I am looking for pictures of are:

    - UJ 6091 ex Sardinette Fr 211
    - UJ 6092 ex Territas
    - UJ 6093 ex Columbia
    - UJ 6094 ex M/bt Hassinn
    Tess II = M 7608.
    Motoryacht Sabot de Venus = FCi 06.
    Motoryacht Mar Y Sol = FMa 11.
    Motoryacht Fleur de Lys = FTo 06.
    Motoryacht Vier = FSe 09.
    Motoryacht Bittern = FMa 15.
    Motoryacht La Route est Belle = FMa 16.
    Motoryacht Floculat = FCi 05.
    Motoryacht Fanfan La Tulipe = FCa 06.
    Motoryacht Dulcinea = FTo 11.
    Motoryacht Chimère = FMa 09.
    Motoryacht Fat Duck = FSe 08.
    Motoryacht Caducée = M 6005
    Motoycht Marélyn = M 7606,

    FMa = Hafenschutzgruppe Marseille
    FSe = Hafenschutzflottille Sète
    FTo = Hafenschutzgruppe Toulon
    FCa = Hafenschutzgruppe Cannes
    FCi = Hafenschutzgruppe La Ciottat

    My list is not comprehensive! Any image is very much appreciated!
  2. Manusel

    Manusel Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    Destin, FL
    This topic greatly interests me. Please respond to maunsel.white at
    Replace at with @. I have thousands of images of yachts WWII and before. Military use of yachts is of particular interest to me.
  3. Manusel

    Manusel Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    Destin, FL
    I would like to se your picture of Cetonia.