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Azimut battery alarm

Discussion in 'Azimut Yacht' started by Mikaeland, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. Mikaeland

    Mikaeland New Member

    Aug 28, 2018
    On my Azimut 42-2001 with Cat 3126 I get battery alarm on starboard Engine. This is Always caused by adding power ex. lights, freezers and maby toilet at the same time. It seams although equipment like this is connected to service battery bank (fed by port alternator) it is the starboard alarm that goes off?
    According to boat manual the starboard Engine is feeding the starter battery so theese two battery banks should not be connected.
    Both alternators has been checked and serviced by proffesionall Company so they should deliver current according to standard spec.
    Have anyone experienced similar issues with Azimut42 or other Azimut?
    Best Regards
  2. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Does it happen when the engines are running, are off or either?

    How old are the batteries and what size?

    Have you checked that the battery set up is as described in the manual? In other words that the bank that’s supposed to be house - service is indeed that... many changes could have been made over the years...

    What is the voltage at rest, engine running and when loads are applied ?
  3. Mikaeland

    Mikaeland New Member

    Aug 28, 2018
    Hi Pascal.
    Thanks a lot for prompt response :)
    This is happening when Engines are running and often in low rpm's . Batteries are 3 years old but this problem has been there since they where brand new.
    Battery set up is according to standard specs nothing as been changed starter 1x 220ah, service 2x180ah.
    Only thing changed on boat is battery charger that was changed tvice since 2001 still with two latest chargers alarm problem has been exacty the same. Still I would say charger cabling to batteries looks not like factory made...might there be some issues with charger set up. As far as I have seen there are three + on charger and they are devided 1-starter battery, 1-service batteries and 1-bow prob battery.
  4. Bamboo

    Bamboo Senior Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Palm Beach, FL
    check the voltage of all individual batteries. One bad cell can cause seemingly unrelated issues.
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    This, at 3 years old REPLACE all of the batteries. They're past their lifespan. You might be able to use an infrared thermometer and check the temperature of each battery, a lot of times when 1 is bad it will be noticeably warmer than the others. ALSO, check the battery charger with a multi meter on AC voltage and make sure the battery charger is not leaking AC voltage to the batteries. Either/or will cause the issues you're having.

    I run a euro boat with 4 group 31's for the engines and every 2.5 years 1 battery goes bad in the bank. I immediately know because the port man 1100 hp common rail has all kinds of strange engine'll show like 4 alarms 10-30 seconds after startup...…...and it's time to replace all of the batteries.
  6. m/y Lady Q

    m/y Lady Q New Member

    Feb 25, 2018
    Smith Point NY
    What kind of charger do you have on your Azimut? I fondly refer to my rectifier as my battery slow cooker, and yes it has fried a few on me. It’s the factory original charger/inverter combo and I’m about ready to replac it with mastervolt mass combi ultra 24/3500 100 -230 volt unit which from the research I’ve done so far offeres the greatest capacity, intelligence and options

    If someone knows of an alternative I’m all ears..
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    For just a charger look at the; Skylla-i Battery Charger 24/100 (3) . Make sure your looking at the one with the (3) at the end of the model number.
    Replaces Mastervolt units on later Hatteras great.
    Download the spec sheet from .
    Mastervolt and Victron come from the same hood. We sell both brands. Fell in luv with this model about 2 years ago and been puching them sinse.

    Look up inverter chargers here also. More special options with Victron.

    For the OP; I know the Muts schematics are poorly followed or detailed if available at all.
    Need to find where the alarm signal comes from and check that point with a DVM.
    Ensure there is a real failure. If it really is low, work towards VB plus AND negative till the bad / loose connect is found.
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    This is a charger low alarm or a battery low alarm?
    Model of current charger?
    Model of current batteries?
    With a DVM, what does B+ & - read at the engines, charger and batteries when this alarm sounds.
  9. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    It's amazing that electric shops just spin up alternators and watch voltage and current come out. All are happy during this 1 minute test.
    Thru my life, I have found alternators that make a good charge spun up but at idle leak current off and will drain a battery.
    Bad diodes are usually the problem.
    Go back to post #8 and ensure the alternators are warm, charger off, at low and fast idles when using your DVM.

    Cat 3126s Usually have the Delco SI20 or 21 alternators. Yep, they can have leaking or bad diode packs and still put out some current when spun up..
  10. Mikaeland

    Mikaeland New Member

    Aug 28, 2018
    Thanks a lot all for your help and guidance. This weekend I did following:
    Measurred the two banks and they read 13.01V after resting a few Days so all batteries should be fine.
    When only service switch are switched on and I use internal eq like spotlights, stereo etc i notice drop in service bank but none at all in the starter bank its absolutely standstill at 13.01V. In my view 100% correct.
    Also when I switch on all Three breakers (one for service and one for each engine) I get no drop at all in starter batteri. But at once I start both Engines and use service eq like spotlights stereo I at once get a drop in STARTER bank. I just can't understand how this is connected. Theese two systems should be separated and they are until the moment I start my Engines...?
    In the end this i causing alarm on starboard Engine from i drop in current in starter battery. This has been the same since battery was new I also had both alternators in for service and full check I actually Think they should have noticed if diod was leaking or so..?
    Could I have some kind of leak with how the charger is connected? Its a Waeco 50 amps wit Three Connections, connected 1 to starter, 1 to service and one to bow prop battery.

    Capt Ralph I will of course try to meassure like you sugest going forward :)
  11. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Please re-read #9 above.

    A bad diode here does happen. If your worried about the charger, disconnect it. You may have breakers or fuses to open on each charger out put.

    Sounds like you need a red neck in Sweden. I'll be available in 4 weeks.
    Sadly, traveling the wrong way, one of my crew returning home, thru Amsterdam Wednesday night from Port Varna.
  12. Mikaeland

    Mikaeland New Member

    Aug 28, 2018
    Thanks a lot for helping out Capt Ralph ! I doo agree I Think in Florida you have more experienced people with yachts than in Sweden :)
    I Think I need to check my alternator cause I already changed charger and same problem still exist. Could not be two faulty chargers unless they are wrongly setup worst case.
    Is there a smart way to meassure if I do have a bad diod on my alternator?
  13. Capt_T

    Capt_T New Member

    Nov 9, 2017
    Boston, MA
    I have doubdts that the problem is in a bad diode, however this could be a very unexpected trick.
  14. rich pobjoy

    rich pobjoy New Member

    May 28, 2022
    FWIW I have encountered the same issue with Azimut 42 Evolution (2006) I have just acquired.

    The audio alarm (5 rapid beeps/3 rapid beeps, recurring) sounded as the Stbd engine shut down while at low revs, after 40 mins of cruising. Had problems restarting, although as this was my first trip out on the boat, this may have been due to not understanding the electronic throttle command position selection protocol/not having both throttles perfectly in neutral!

    Once back at marina, restarted both engines without shore power on first attempt.

    Engine oil and temp readings on both engines fine before and after restart.
    Checked water/oil filters/oil levels/coolant etc. All good. Engines fully serviced within last 6 months.

    Guys at Sea Start here in Solent, UK were very helpful on phone.

    In summary, seems that running certain electrical services on DC while underway was the cause, albeit that it shouldn't be!

    I also noticed that on the main fuse switch panel (lower left side of lower helm poistion) certain electrical services had been colour coded by the previous owner (eg stereo, heads, wash down, domestic water pump), which I now deduce means SWITCH OFF when not on shore power/generator.

    Have done this each time I have taken her out (6 times) and so far the issue has not recurred.
  15. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    As a classic Jaguar and Alfa Romeo owner I always get a kick when people make fun of Lucas electrics while giving a pass to the Italians :). As you have discovered it applies to Italian boats as well

    seriously there are no reason for an engine to shut down while running at idle just because of too many loads on the house side. This is a serious safety issue if it happens while coming in an inlet or while docking. House loads especially things like thrusters and windlasses should never be on an engine battery

    check that the batteries are in good shape and check the alternator to make sure it’s charging. It could be as simple as tires batteries or corrosion on the terminals
    Capt Ralph likes this.
  16. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Nothing,, NOTHING should be on an engine lead, breaker or battery..
    Very sadly, correctly done requires more batteries, Cables, room and money, so our wishes are not realized every time.
    Put a volt meter on that engine breaker. Do you find at least 28Vdc (Battery charger off)? If not, move backwards to the battery until you do.
  17. rich pobjoy

    rich pobjoy New Member

    May 28, 2022
    Thanks Pascal and Capt Ralph for your comments. I will check the points you raised.