I had our local sheet metal shop make me a sound shield for an older unit I had, was great, could dictate access panels etc, plus extra sound deadening and air circulation. Price was less than factory..YMMV
I have a design of my own but if a cheap box could be available at a bargain, then; it could be a bargain.
Maybe fixable, I won't have time to find out before I get my knee surgery. I've been without a generator this long, such is life.
8kw update. I'll be posting the same gen set tonight in the For Sale thread. New motor mounts installed. Never installed or run since it's removal above.
Morning Ralph, do you know the approximate hours on it? After reading the thread, it sounded like the electrical generator front end was working fine. Just the engine needed a fix.
Please re-read post #1. There are 2 or more gen-sets disused thru this thread. Nothing wrong with the unit sold to me. Please see new thread for details; https://www.yachtforums.com/threads/onan-8kw-mdkdb.30438/
Just wanted to give everyone a real world update on the Phasor 8.5 genset that was the topic of this post when I installed it 3 years ago. LOVE IT! It has performed flawlessly from the time we installed it and now has over 700 hours on it. I highly recommend Phasor.... specifically for it's simple design and lack of potential electronic control issues. If I had to do it all over again I wouldn't change a thing! Just started my new project. Rub rail and teak covering board removal and replacement! Never a dull moment.
Mine is the same age as yours 8kw Pancake unit, nice , small and quiet. I totally agree with you, mine just runs and runs, no boards, no computer , no lights/alarms, no BS to deal with. Only thing I had to do was clean that facet fuel pump ( i think that's the name) due to my boat's old dirty tank but it's been a year since that last happened. I have 600 hrs on it .
Good report Barney. Always glad to hear good news. First round on us, when we get down there again. Stay well and safe.
Would you mind posting the progress of the covering board remove and replacement. Lots of photos would be helpful. This will be a project of mine in the next couples years. Do you plan on replacing with teak or some other material? Thank you. V/r, Patrick
Sure! I will start a new thread for the covering board and rub rail project. I will be using teak. I am not doing it like Post did. No screws and plugs. Epoxy and clamps. Full width boards so there will be no lengthwise seam down the middle like when she came from factory. Tear out is now complete. Will be templating this weekend. while I am at it I am addressing issues with the 1.5" thick wood that is attached underneath the fiberglass cap that the teak covering boards sit on. A bit of rot around the rod holders and what I describe as "fur" that is on the surface of this wood. It'll be nice to have all of this tightened up and better than new when complete!